Sunday, December 10, 2017


Photo: Charles Wenzelberg
Happy Sunday.

I mentioned the other day that there have been many views about new manager Aaron Boone.  The jury is still out for me because he really have no experience, and so I'd like a body of work to go on before I start judging.  But I did want to share this great note from a BYB reader and passionate Yankee fan.  The name of the reader will remain nameless.  Check it out:

Photo: Sporting News

"Hi Robert,

My feelings for tonight. I am not happy with Aaron Boone as manager. I feel if the Yankees win something this year, it’s our players.

Joe Girardi was so close, and I feel like he will get Girardi's credit... his work.  The fact that the Yankees planned on his demise even if we WON THE WORLD SERIES leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Photo: Getty Images
I hope by March I’ll have an improved attitude, but I have never ever felt like this as a fan before. Nothing against Aaron Boone at all. Something doesn’t set right with me.  Where I live, not New York, it’s 3-1 against Boone. I’m sure if Yankees have a '96 or '98 season it will all be forgotten.

We shall see."

So how do you feel about Aaron Boone? How do you feel about how the Yankees handled Joe Girardi?  I will post your notes and emails to me if you can keep it short and sweet like this and give your passionate feeling.  I'm all ears.

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