BYB: Growing up, which sport did you follow the most and why?
Scott Ferrall: I like baseball and hockey because the Pirates won the World Series in 1979 vs. Baltimore with Willie "Pops" Stargell and the 1980 GOLD in Lake Placid got me fired up about hockey, so I started going to Penguins games. In the early 70's, my dad took me to Wrigley Field, Comisky Park, Chicago Stadium, Soldier Field and Notre Dame Stadium to games. I was a huge sports fan from age 5 to this day.
BYB: Was sports broadcasting always something you wanted to do?
Scott Ferrall: Since I was very young, I wanted to be Howard Cosell and would often imitate him everywhere I went.
BYB: A lot of people don’t know this, but you were the host of MTV Sports. That’s where I first remember seeing you. How important was that show for your career?
Scott Ferrall: MTV was crazy and put me on the map everywhere, at least on TV. I was already syndicated nationally on radio twice at that point, but nobody really knew me until that gig. Eventually, I did Battle Dome on Columbia Tri-Star all over North America and that was even bigger than MTV. MTV stays young though and would eventually got rid of me at 35.
BYB: Do you think Pete Rose will ever have his ban lifted? If so or not, why?
Scott Ferrall: Not as long as Bud Selig has anything to do with baseball. I think Pete Rose will get in the Hall of Fame long after he's dead. He was unreal as a player, but has kind of been cheesy ever since.
BYB: Does it matter to you that steroids crept into sports?
Scott Ferrall: Drugs have been around forever in sports-it's that people have to be on everyone's ass and know their business. Nobody gave a rat's ass when players were coking and eating greenies. Steroids are treated like heroin by the media and fans. The players were using them everywhere and it was no big deal. It became a big deal when players started getting exposed and busted.
BYB: As a sports guy looking at big sports rivalries, how important is a rivalry like the Yankees and Red Sox in your eyes?
Scott Ferrall: Around NYC and Boston-it's all that matters. It's the biggest rivalry in any sport in both cities. It matters nationally too, because they always air it when they are playing, on National TV. It gives fans a reason to believe they're a piece of it. They can argue until they are blue in the face.
BYB: If you could meet one New York Yankee in their rich history, who would it be and why?
Scott Ferrall: I guess Mickey Mantle because he partied and got a lot of ass, so he would have been fun to go out and hang with. There are a lot of sports figures that I would rather meet than New York Yankees, you know me, I follow everything, no disrespect meant toward Yankee fans or the Yanks themselves of course. I just liked other teams and towns most of my life in sports. New York has been my home four times and later in life I've learned to respect it and admire it's fans and teams and it's history.
BYB: How quickly will Derek Jeter get voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame?
Scott Ferrall: DJ will go into Cooperstown on the first ballot.
BYB: Tell me about your radio show... Go for it, give it a plug…
Scott Ferrall: My radio show on SIRIUSXM Howard 101 speaks for itself ! It's cool and unique! At the end of the day though, I've learned a great deal about how I don't affect anything in the world! I just entertain people every night and enjoy doing it and feel lucky to have been chosen by HOWARD STERN to be a part of his channels and career. He could have chosen millions of people to do it, but he chose me. It's been quite an honor and very humbling for me personally. I've enjoyed it a lot and am very grateful for the opportunity.
BYB: Do you read Bleeding Yankee Blue? If so, tell me what you think?
Scott Ferrall: Yes, I read Bleeding Yankee Blue and think you guys need to see a shrink because you've gone MAD over the Bombers, which I can appreciate! BYB is kick ass!Scott, you kick ass. Thanks for taking the time and you're one of my favorites. Thanks for talking with us. Let's do it again soon. By the way, you can check out Ferrall on Facebook as well HERE.
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