Chuck Knoblauch: “Very exciting. Growing up as a kid, dreaming of the major leagues, it was very exciting. I believe that everything happens for a reason; the major leagues is where I became a man from a boy. I went through the good, the bad, and the ugly; but looking back, I wouldn’t change a bit."

Chuck Knoblauch: “It was awesome. Everyone was so welcoming during Spring Training, I felt like I belonged right away. I spent a lot of time on hitting with Derek, and O’Neill and Pettitte too.”

On playing for Joe Torre, Chuck had a lot to say about the special relationship he shared with the Yankees’ skipper. Calling him a “father figure” as well as a manager, Chuck says that all of the players had the utmost respect for Joe, for many reasons.

When discussing the clubhouse atmosphere, Knoblauch remembered many of the players and their antics fondly. He talked about how there was a band room set-up for the team, and it wasn’t uncommon to see players or crew members to be back there, having impromptu jam "sessions” during rain delays. He specifically recalls Bernie Williams playing his guitar, and laughed as he explained how Paul O’Neill once tried to teach him how to play the drums.

Chuck Knoblauch: “O’Neill is a great drummer. I’d always wanted to play, since I was a kid. Paul tried really hard to teach me, and then eventually just gave up on me. It didn’t work out that well,” he laughed.
Chuck was playing for the New York Yankees on Sept. 11, 2001, and he recalls that morning vividly. He said that phone call from his mother had woke him up, asking if he was okay, and if he was safe. Chuck said he was still half-asleep, when he went to the window, pulled the blinds, and saw the devastation of the attack on the Twin Towers. From where he lived,
Chuck Knoblauch: “I had a clear view. I just sat there in amazement for hours. I saw everything. I saw the people jumping from the Towers. I was scared; and even more scared when the Pentagon got hit. I thought to myself, ‘what in the world is going on here?’ I even called Brian Cashman to ask if we were still playing that night, and found out that everything was cancelled for a while. When we finally got back, we played in Chicago. It’s usually a tough place to play, and the fans were all wearing New York shirts and were very supportive. The rest of the season that year was just a blur.”
We’re all familiar with the close relationship that Chuck shared with his Dad, who was a career high school baseball coach. Chuck lost his Dad to Alzheimer’s disease, and this was a very painful loss for him. He’s still able to laugh at some of the good times, such as when his Dad would leave Astros games in the 8th inning so it wouldn’t get stuck in traffic. As a kid, Chuck recalls that no matter how tired his father was after coaching all day, all of his time after work was spent coaching him.
Chuck Knoblauch: “One important thing I learned from my Dad was, is not to talk about anything that you know nothing about. My Dad was a pitcher. He’d day, ‘Don’t ask me about hitting, I don’t know anything about it”.
Chuck’s father was very supportive of his son’s dreams of being a major league baseball player, and would take him to batting cages and other places where he could fine-tune his skills.
Chuck Knoblauch: “He was tough on me. He instilled my work ethic. I didn’t get away with anything.”

As far as appearances, he doesn’t do many autograph signings, but one thing Chuck is doing is getting involved in the early stages of writing a book. Updates will be posted on his website: www.ChuckKnoblauch11.com.
Chuck is also quite active on Tweeter and responds to many of his fans on a daily basis through his verified Twitter Account, @ChuckKnob4real. Through Twitter he says he keeps updated with Yankee news and opinion through Bleeding Yankee Blue tweets. Pretty Cool.
It was a pleasure speaking with Chuck Knoblauch, who was gracious, fun, witty, personable and very easy to talk with. By the end of our conversation, I felt like I was talking to an old friend.
Many thanks to him for taking the time out of his busy schedule to speak with Bleeding Yankee Blue. Oh, and be sure to follow Chuck on Twitter!
--Christy Lee, BYB Staff Writer
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Well Done Christy! Thank you CK!