Wednesday, January 18, 2017


If you haven't figured it out already, we love writing about Clint Frazier here.  Last night Casey wrote THIS.  This morning... another angle from me...

There is something to be said to be humbled and feel the pressure of your environment.  And if that environment is the Bronx and Yankee baseball, then good, feel the pressure, be humbled by it and let it teach you how to be a ball player in New York.

"I think I kind of lost who I was when I was struggling last year," (Clint) Frazier said. "I didn't know how to recover from such a slump that I went through. I think that was good for me to grow as a player and grow as a man, and I'm looking forward to this year,"  according to the New York Daily News.

Source: Jason Miller/Getty Images North America
 Clint, I am looking forward to this year too.  I think you needed to feel the burn of what New York expects of you and remember that feeling as you grow as MLB baseball player.

Source: The Wall Street Journal 
According to Joe Torre, who managed Derek Jeter for several years as he grew into the legend he has become today, Jeter faced the challenge of playing in New York right from the start. "Even though it was his first year in the big leagues, Derek was a finished product as a person,” Joe Torre, the former Yankees manager, says, still a bit amazed all these years later. “Very mature, responsible.” Torre credits Jeter’s parents for a psychological grounding that sounds simple, but isn’t. “He felt comfortable in his own skin. Other players need to be validated. Derek doesn’t need the attention," reported NY Magazine back in 2014.

If Frazier follows the path that Jeter laid, then the kid will be OK.  He needs to stay focused and be open to grow and be criticized.  "I think if I perform, I'll be in the right spot," Frazier said. "I'm not the general manager. I can't call myself up. But I think everything is going to fall into place the way it should be."

Source: New York Daily News
So let the pressure guide you to the player you are supposed to be.  Life lesson learned, "don't compare yourself to the guy you were traded for." But, do know how it made you feel and let it fuel your way to the top of your game.

--Suzie Pinstripe
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @suzieprof

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