Thursday, July 13, 2023


I find it amazing and refreshing that the guy who has the ideas, the vision and the confidence on how to turn this Yankee team around is from the newly hired hitting coach and not from within the Yankee organization itself. Don't you?

I also find it strange that we've been staring at this offense problem for months and guys like Aaron Boone and Dillon Lawson were bumbling idiots in front of the mic and this Casey guy shows up and drips with confidence that makes me want to buy a Reds, Casey jersey and wear it to Yankee stadium as a symbol of change.  Right now... before anything has even happened, I feel like this fit could be amazing for this Yankees club.

Bryan Hoch has been working his tail off bringing us some pretty significant nuggets in regard to Sean Casey's plan... and they're coming from Casey's mouth. He's even going to include an upcoming zoom press conference.  But the biggest, most significant nugget comes with the subliminal offering of why he's sporting a new mustache.

Here's the thing; many of you will not see it like I see it and that's perfectly fine. I find the ideas, the energy very refreshing, and I know that Sean Casey can be the difference in helping turn the Yankees hitting around.  

We have no idea if it will work yet. But put it in perspective with your own life in your own company and your job... a new manager comes in with a new vision, new ideas and high energy... and most of all, he's willing to work with all of you in the office to make that vision become reality.  

Are you going to poo poo that? Or are you going to be one of those team members that buys into it because every voice is heard, and the leader can bring you all together?  For me, I buy in... and that is what I feel like is happening here.  

There are 2 things happening right now with the great Sean Casey. For one, he's extending some comfort to the Yankee audience.  

"Here's my mustache, you love Mattingly, I loved Mattingly growing up. Let's connect." I'm paraphrasing here but a subtle moment like that is a definite buy-in for any fan.  

Second, we want to make sure our hitting coach is going to work hard to fix our offense. Dillon Lawson didn't work, like literally.  It's now being reported that the Yankees wanted him out last winter... but they couldn't get it together.  But now we have a new guy, and Casey is already talking with the players, sharing ideas, listening to player ideas and approaches and not only that, he's using the reporters like Bryan Hoch and other New York media to keep us updated.

 Again... a reach to the fans, but also to the team as if to say, "I do my job 100% and I'm gonna prove it to you."  Again... paraphrasing, but there's no doubt this guy's about turning this team around. It's very noble and trust me... the energy is contagious.

Look, I have no idea what will happen with Sean Casey. In a perfect world he is the perfect leader in the Bronx so much so that they ditch Boone for this guy eventually.  But right now the fix is to get the Yankees hitting, and I feel good going into the second half.  

Let's hope this is a good marriage... to me, it's exciting.

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