Sunday, March 14, 2021


Source: Associated Press

You get one body. To care for, to maintain, to get healthy, to get fit. And if you don't take care of your body, your body can't take care of you, forever. On Saturday, our fearless Editor in Chief, Robert Casey, wrote LUKE VOIT REALIZES HE NEEDS TO STOP BEING A MEATHEAD. In the piece, he highlights Voit's epiphany of perhaps maybe he needs to tone things down, and give his body a break. And you know what, it is about time!

“I’m getting older,” he said. “I’ve got to be smart and take care of myself because I can only play this game so long," reported For a bit of a back story, Luke Voit was scratched from Tuesday's game due to a sore knee and then aggravated his other knee following an "ill-advised decision to tag up on a flyout to left field during Thursday’s spring training game," reported the New York Post. Bottom-line, you can't continue to beat up on your body and expect it to keep bouncing back without any repercussions. 

Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch

"Voit used to spill out all of this energy that he has on the football field when he was a fullback and middle linebacker in his native Wildwood, Mo., at Lafayette High, the same suburban St. Louis school that produced 2006 National League MVP Ryan Howard and 2011 World Series MVP David Freese," reported

I love Voit's energy. It is contagious which is one way Voit sets the right kind of example for his team. But, everything in moderation. Running down the base paths like a steam roller, using your entire body to do so will literally kill a guy. There is one thing to hustle and play the game smart, taking advantage of an opponent's mistake. There is another to take risks that will land your on the IL. Voit needs to consider this and set an example for other players who look up to him. 


“I’ve always had a football mentality, and you guys have seen that, whether it’s throw my stuff in the dugout or some bad language out of my mouth,” Voit said. “I’ve always been like that,” reported The Post. Balance. Voit needs to balance his passion and bullish strategy with his desire for longevity. No one can play this game forever but if you can rest, keep your body healthy and don't take needless risks, you can play longer than most. You're body does not need the additional stress. It is not worth it. 

Voit needs to set an example for his team. An example of moderation and sound judgment are in order. Here's hoping Voit can do that for his team and by keeping healthy, he provides every opportunity for his team to win. 

--Suzie Pinstripe
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @suzieprof

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Voit does not have a good baseball IQ when it comes to health.
    Any injury scares me with this medical staff, she last two year's mess up with diagnosis of players.
    Now add Andujar ( providing they knew) he has had a sore wrist since winter ball and now be is seeing a hand specialist. Voit was affected by his foot injury so he tried to hit home runs a d doubles so he would not have to run last year.
    Any injury to him could be devastating unless Bruce is the real deal right now.


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