Sunday, August 19, 2018


I've written a lot of about fandom on Bleeding Yankee Blue over the past few months. Quite simply, if you are a fan of a team and are passionate about that team and their winning (or losing) record, or a player you really, really like regardless of if there is room on the roster for them, you should have the right to express your opinion any way you want.  Because when you're a fan, there is no wrong answer. If you want the team to win 162 games, go nuts.  It's not realistic, but who am I to tell you that you can't believe that?  You like a player and don't want to see him traded? Blast your team, go for it... you have the right, after all, you like that guy.  And how about this... Do you get mad because your team has no consistency and can't pull out a streak in the most important part of the season? Hey... then be passionate. Express yourself!  Let folks know what you as a fan want, or believe or whatever! Do it. Why?

Because you're a fan... and there is no wrong answer coming from your perspective.  It's what makes being a fan great. And sure, there will be fan debate, but that's what's great about the different opinions of your team.

Enter Brendan Kuty of who while has the right to ask this next question, clearly doesn't understand what his role is, even though it says Yankees beat reporter for on his credentials...

I'm sorry... there is nothing wrong with voicing frustration for a team and that's what Kuty is poking at us fans for.  I don't even voice it as much as others, but we do voice frustration here, because BYB is a fan site.  That being said... I get where harsh frustration comes from.  I get the anger.  I get that you don't want to lose. But there's more to that.  Kuty is looking for trouble and is in very bad territory.  He's trying to mock us fans with that ridiculous question. And I just have to say, Hey Kuty… stick to your side of the street. You are NOT a commentator, you are a REPORTER... so... report.

Your only job is to write about the New York Yankees.  Your JOB is to report the news about our team and get people to read the sports pages.  Your job is NOT to backhandedly mock Yankee fans for believing what they want to believe.  Quite simply. It may be Twitter... but you have a responsibility as a reporter... and asking that question is looking for trouble. You know this and so I ask you, why cause trouble? Why make problems for yourself? For your job? Stop tweaking fans who pay their hard earned money to go watch the New York Yankees. Your question's answer is MUCH, MUCH bigger than you may think when you're trying to be witty and playful.

You can stroll into the press box and watch the game for free and write about it... BECAUSE IT'S YOUR JOB.

For many, they spend hundreds of dollars to go watch their Yanks play. Some go to other stadiums for the Yankee away games.  In short... the fans want a win. NOT ONE HATES THEM. But, that being said, us fans? We have the right to express our opinion however the F we want?  Who are you to mock us?

That's right, I forgot… you're a young reporter with no true gauge because you've forgotten your only job. To report on the New York Yankees... NOT the fans.  Get back to your job... stop trying to be witty and make fun of fans who can root however they want to root.  You show immaturity... it's a bad look.

Fans are fans for a reason.  Because they can cheer and boo because they entered the gate paying a whole lot of money to do so. When you start writing from a true fan perspective for, do whatever the hell you want. But until then, do your freakin' job... report on the Yankees and stop trying to cause a controversy on Twitter. You're on the wrong side of the street and you know it.

Try being a reporter.  Work hard at that.  Try that.

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