Are the New York Yankees crazy? This is an ABSOLUTELY serious question I am posing to you. Are they out of their pinstriped mind?! I had a coach say to me over and over again when I would foul up on the field, “O’HARA! You are outta your mule headed, Irish skull! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result! Stop making those awful throws!” He was a real charmer, but he was also 100% right.
The Yankees 2015 campaign sputtered, tripped and belly flopped over the finish line. It wasn’t a graceful landing to say the least. They looked tired, outgunned and flat. The Bombers are OLD in all the wrong places…and what’s worse is that they are EXPENSIVE too. The other day, I listened to Cashman wrap up the season on WFAN and was just too frustrated to keep the radio tuned in. When asked what is going to happen with the team in 2016 the often criticized GM went into a monologue about looking for Tex to do more of the same.
He feels ARod, Beltran, CC and McCann will all contribute in a BIG way. I admit I was WAY, WAY off on Tex in 2015. But another year on his odometer will not spell more success. ARod was great, but it’s clear that a 162 game season is out of the realm of what he can do at 40-41. Beltran rebounded nicely, but I’m up to letting Slade or Mason get more Right field reps…or maybe see what THE JUDGE can do!
I think Brian McCann will continue to improve in the Bronx as he is more and more comfortable, but I thank the Ghost of Munson that we have Murph in the wings. Brian will only have a few good seasons behind the plate in my opinion. I’d get into CC…but let’s let the Big Man recover on all fronts and see.
Gardy and Jacoby NEED TO BE BETTER. $175 million and sitting in the Wild card game? Yeah, that will get you chased back to Boston or worse, Jake. Gardy played hurt the whole season half in my opinion. He learned from Jeter how to play everyday and never make excuses, but if you’re hurt, you aren’t going to produce. He didn’t.
We flat out cannot do the same thing in 2016! We simply can’t hope against hope to find lightning in a bottle with a club that has SELL BY 10/24/11 on the carton. It’s not going to happen. Bird, Double R, Slade, Sevy, Judge and more are waiting to play now. Yes, it’s a gamble…but so is the alternative. At least with the young Yanks they can be building to the future instead of trying to go one more round.
Are the New York Yankees insane? Well, I say we all pitch in to get the owners and front office folk’s pinstriped straight jackets. Cuckoo!
** Here are Cashman and Hal BRILLIANTLY portrayed by Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis**

--Mike O'Hara Senior "Features" Writer
Twitter: @mikeyoh21
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