Saturday, March 21, 2015


I’m in a bad mood.  I wanted to put that out there before you continue reading this post.  And thank you for reading by the way, I appreciate it. 

Anyway, back to my foul mood.  It has nothing to do with the Yankees per say.  I am upset that the NCAA concluded a 10-year witch-hunt on Coach Jim Boeheim and my beloved Syracuse Orange hoops team. 

I’m a Syracuse University alum and former student athlete and know Coach a bit.  This is an over the top punishment to say the very least…but what can you do.  I hope they reinstate the wins they stole from Jimmy, and then go spend time in Calapari’s Kentucky Blue Grass backyard and see what REAL corruption looks like! But I digress... 

This is a New York Yankees fan site and I will write about the Yanks now.  Maybe it’s my mood, but when did we become Cubs fans?  I was blown away by the way everyone is celebrating over the Bronx Bombers and their landslide victory over the Braves the other night…in Orlando…in a SPRING game…that meant ZERO!   Hey, I’m happy to see that McCann and Drew went yard. That's good.  I am delighted to know Tanaka was able to throw and not have his elbow pop like the last balloon at a 5 year-old’s birthday party.  It is ALWAYS better to win than lose…but come on. It's Spring Training!

Don't forget, the Yankees have a lot of questions.  They are putting it together slow, but surely.  The veterans are starting to wind it up and get ready for Opening Day.  And there are STILL so many questions.  Stephen Drew gets into one and suddenly we're happy he will be the starting second baseman?  Nope.  Sorry folks, but the sun will shine on a dog’s ass every now and again too.  If he is hitting .285 in late May, I’ll retract that statement, but you know I won’t have to. 

I am happy with McCann’s ABs this spring.  I love the way he is taking the ball the other way to beat the shift…DO YA SEE THAT, TEX?  Wake up!

The Yankees need to put their collective heads down and just do the work.  And we can cheer like mad when they do something that matters.  We are YANKEE fans after all!  We're not supposed to get nuts over a spring 'W' against the Braves.  They didn’t throw Maddux, Smoltzie and Glavine at us the other night. 

I’m pretty sure Chipper and the Crime Dog weren’t in the batting order either.  Did Masahiro face Hammerin’ Hank?  Please.

Look, these Yankees are still a team that SHOULD compete for the big prize.  They make insane money!  The response from fans made me think the Bronx Bombers were a young, scrappy Houston Astros club.  They’re not.  Cashman has made it clear the kids aren’t part of the plan…so why get excited by what overpaid vets are SUPPOSED to do in mid-March? You know what I mean?

Again, I’m in a bad, bad mood, but save the “Baby’s first words” cheering for when Aaron Judge comes up and deposits one on the 4 train tracks to win a game against Boston in August…a game that matters…a game we should care about more than a Spring training game in March.

I’m getting a beer.


--Mike O'Hara Senior "Features" Writer
Twitter: @mikeyoh21

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