You could pretty much go anywhere for baseball news. Here's the question though; have you checked out the BYB Hub yet? You should. I mean you REALLY SHOULD!
Look, when Bleeding Yankee Blue began, I put up an ugly version of this thing and ran with it. Today, four years later, people could still make an argument that it's ugly. I don't care about that crap. Here's what I do care about, I have a readership now, a large readership and it's made up of some of the smartest readers around. It's regular people. It's New York Yankees, their wives, celebrities and you know what? It's pretty nice.
Here's what I like about what we have with our readership. Your opinions are different. Sure, some agree and disagree, and rarely do we get into a 'real nasty' spat, even if we DO disagree. That's because we're friends... some of us are even family. We've made that bond together. I'm blessed because of that.
My writers are interesting people with busy jobs and activities. Some are parents. They are all hard workers holding down crazy schedules and we all love baseball and the New York Yankees. We also all love to write for you and we find the time. That counts for something. It's an outlet and it's become one of the most popular "go to" places on the web when you just need to sit back, sip your coffee and chat with family on a Saturday morning about the New York Yankees. We love you all and we appreciate the kind banter and ball busting.
There's nothing better than to see you all wearing our clothes... proud, Tweeting on Twitter or on Facebook. Luckily for us, we even have celebrities doing the same and we appreciate it very much.
(In Photo: Chef Anton Testino)
Back in October, I started the BYB Hub. It's a place where new and semi-established writers and baseball blogs could put their content up to get alittle more exposure and traction. It was Free and I figured it would be a way to help out the newbies. While we're still building the concept, the sites we have collected at the BYB Hub are very good. In fact, I'd venture to say that some of us are better than what's already been out there for years. That's because our views are different, our ideas are better and in some regards... our concept is smarter than some of the well established sites. The reason is simple... the others became complacent... the guys on the BYB Hub are hungry. They know that there's room out there for them and hell... so do I and so I started the Hub, a place where you can literally have "1 stop shopping".
(Screenshot of the BYB Hub)
You can click on the Hub HERE, you can run down the list of "Pros", "Rookies" and "Prospects" and read everything for that day. Just read away. Plus, it will change constantly as we are adding new content on our sites.
(Screenshot of the BYB Hub)
Currently, we have 20 baseball sites on the Hub, ranging from Yankees info, to Red Sox and Oakland A's and just plain baseball. But here's the thing... if you are a writers, and new to this blog thing and want to get read, find me on Twitter or Facebook and let me know. We'll put you on it!
(Screenshot of the BYB Hub)
And if you're a reader and you want new and interesting things to read... come to the BYB Hub. We will take the baseball conversation to the next level. Why? Well... the answer is simple... we're not like the others... we have the drive of a Little Leaguer given alittle confidence by his coach. We're hungry... we're determined... we're the BYB Hub.
"Start as the underdog. End as a champion."
Bookmark it. You won't be sorry.

You've made BYB the fastest growing Yankees fan site in history. Now shop at the Bleeding Yankee Blue store! Follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and LIKE Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook! Also, don't forget to check out the BYB Hub!
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