New Years is a time to forget the old and bring in the new. If you're a Yankee fan, you want to forget last season quickly, and we'll start fresh on January 1st, 2015. For me personally, my family would like to forget some of 2014. There were deaths in the family, quite a few visits to the ER and unfortunate accidents that didn't need to happen. The year also went way too fast, much faster than years before. I guess that's just us as a family doing way too much. But as we close the book on 2014, we start a new year... a year of new beginnings, for my own life and for BYB's future.
Over the next several hours, the celebration will begin and carry on into the night. We will go to bed late, and we will wake up just as late. Some with hangovers, some just tired. But as we do, think about what you want to accomplish in 2015 and do it. Make a list and conquer it. Think about your goals. Think about what friendships and business partners you want in your life and how you want to push yourself in your personal life, in your social life, in your business life. Think about the person you'd like to be in 2015. Push yourself and achieve great things. Hence the new Robert Casey avatar. It was time for a fresh change... I hope you like the new face of BYB.
2015 is a clean slate. Remember where you were in 2014 and do better in 2015!
I look at this thing called Bleeding Yankee Blue and it's amazing that we're still standing. It's outstanding that our audience is as smart and strong as it is. You guys are awesome! That's a testament to good, bright baseball folks like all of you. You are the reason why we're here. Sure, it began with me yelling at my TV, but then my amazing writers came, and as we wrote our hearts out, the audience found us and shared us and chatting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Google +. It's because of the interaction that I am amazed more and more every day. You guys keep us engaged! You are passionate about the game of baseball and you love your New York Yankees. Thank you for that.
I want to thank the BYB audience. You are terrific people. You read Bleeding Yankee Blue daily and you wear us on your body, proud.
That makes me prouder, trust me! I have had the privilege of interacting with many of you every day over the past 4 years. We talk baseball, but our bond is solid.
Thank you for always being there. Thank you for trusting us with our reporting and opinion.
(In Photo: Erica Morales, Senior Writer for BYB)
I want to thank my writers. Bleeding Yankee Blue could never operate on this large scale with just me alone. I would have burned out a long time ago. With my writers, we are strong. We are a unit dedicated to the Yankees, sure, but to the fan base and to the readers of BYB too. You keep us going! You keep my writers wanting to express themselves! Without the audience, we write for no one, and without us writers, you would have never discovered us and made us so popular. It's a brilliant give and take.
I want to also take a moment and thank my real family. My wife is the strongest and most patient woman on the planet. She calls BYB my mistress and for a while there, it was! But as things start to come together, 4 years later, I can relax a bit and spend more time with my direct family. It's ultimately because of their patience and them understanding my passion for writing that they put up with me being up all night and on my keyboard on family vacations and family parties. They understood what I was doing and while they didn't like it, they got it. Now BYB doesn't slip off the tongue with as much anger as it once did. BYB is now one of the family. It took a while, but it happened.
I'm going to leave you all now to enjoy New Years Eve.
Be safe, be smart and know that when you wake up on January 1st, we will be here for a new year at BYB! After all, there's a new Yankee season in 2015, and we need to do better than we did the past 2 years. We can do it ladies and gentlemen, we can... we just need to believe.
Yankee fans are the greatest fans in the world. We're also the most spoiled. We've had a run... many runs actually, but the last one was glorious. We need that fire back again, and as fans, many of us born in the Steinbrenner era, we demand it. You know what? That's OK... we're fans. We pay alot of money to see our team win. They need to start winning, bottom line. Let's hope 2015 is the year!
Happy New Year everyone. Bless you all. Many thanks for all you do. For your interaction, for your reading and for your sharing. Without it, we're just another Yankee fan site that stays stagnant and eventually fizzles.
It's because of you, that Bleeding Yankee Blue is popular. Thank you.
Now... let's bring on 2015!
--Robert Casey, Chief & CEO of Bleeding Yankee Blue

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