Sunday, January 5, 2014


We're gonna do something different here at Bleeding Yankee Blue.  We're seeking your vote for something that not one of my staff members knows about... except for me... because I'm king of the castle and I do what I want...
For the first time in BYB history, we are going to give a BYB writer an award based on reader votes.  It's called the BEEB Award and it's given to the writer that brought quality, satisfaction, information and energy to their posts in the year of 2013, according to you, the reader.

We have several writers here and all have offered excellent work in 2013. I'm proud of that.  All of our writers write differently; a different flair, a very individual creation every time.  Each have given their all and their time, and while they all deserve some type of award in my mind, much like they do in Pathmark, giving a cashier, an "Employee of the week" nod, We are giving away a BEEB.  It's the highest honor for a writer at Bleeding Yankee Blue... and I am happy to put this vote into action.

Here's what you, the readers, need to do.  Think.  Think about who you enjoyed reading the most in 2013.  Was it Jeana Bellezza and her piece about a proposal? Read A YANKEE PROPOSAL....SORT OF
or could it be Chad R MacDonald and his pieces about his daily attire? Read JERSEY BOY. Think it over.

Erica Morales wrote some good ones too.  How about her recent one on Jorge Posada? DREAMS DO COME TRUE. Maybe Suzie Pinstripe intrigued you with her piece titled: REGARDING CHAMPIONS...

Steve Skinner is a guest writer for us, but wrote a whole series about the Yankees Mount Olympus.  His most recent one is THE YANKEES MOUNT OLYMPUS: DEREK JETER.  Maybe Mike O'Hara had you entertained this year. He wrote a good one featuring Rich Gossage called BYB, THE GOOSE & MY DOG.

Ike Dimitriadis was full of energy and put together some quality pieces this year. Here's one titled WOULD BABE RUTH HAD SURVIVED THE PEDs ERA? Oh and who could forget Rudy Laurens reviewing Alex Rodriguez and the "slap" heard 'round the world. Read REVIEWING THE AROD "SLAP" YEARS LATER.

There are even the guys that write less, but still write for BYB when their schedules allow it.  Lem Allen with his in-depth interview with his grandfather titled: THE MAN THAT MADE ME A YANKEE FAN: THE FULL STORY, and Douglas Solomon writes once in a while and is always full of statistics. How about his piece titled AN INTERESTING TAKE ON THE YANKEES GETTING RID OF AROD.

The point is, we have unique writers and all bring a special flair to the pages of Bleeding Yankee Blue.  This year, our first year, we are giving away the BEEB, the highest honor, but it must be voted on by the readers of BYB.

So, I hand you the keys.  Vote. You will see the poll on the home page of BYB in the upper right. Vote for the writer that you feel is most deserving of the BEEB award. Once the vote concludes, we will present the award to the winner and they will write an acceptance piece thanking you.

If you need a full body of work of each writer,  you may click on their names below, and you'll be brought to their specific pages.
Read them, think long and hard, and vote.  Vote for your favorite BYB writer of 2013.  Vote to give one our writers the BEEB.

RULES for the writers are simple; There is no self promoting to get votes whatsoever. You cannot campaign for yourself. You MAY, promote this post, but that's it. For the readers, you may vote as much as you'd like, but  I really want you thinking it over. It's important to me.

Good luck to the writers. Thank you to the readers. 

Thank you to all the Bleeding Yankee Blue readers for continued success.  You've made BYB the fastest growing Yankees fan site in the history of Yankees fandom.  Thanks for reading, sharing and enjoying. Follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue (Official) on Facebook, just type it in.

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