Saturday, October 1, 2011


Yes, Friday night the playoffs began, and while rain washed it away, it makes tonight even sweeter. Tonight after a day of following the Honey-Do list, my wife has plans with her family and I will be with my little guys who will all be dressed to play for the New York Yankees, minus the eye black. It’s playoff’s time after all and over the past few years, my older guys have started getting into baseball. After all, their old man is obsessed and it’s always easier to root for a winner and let’s face it, that’s what the Yankees

My 9 year old already has it all planned out. We’ll start off with some chicken wings and eventually we have a few hot dogs…like we’re at the ballpark. At about the 6th inning, we break out the Ice Cream with Hershey syrup. It’s got to be Hershey’s, anything else would be Un-American. Early on though, I’ll have a couple Corona chilling on some ice next to the couch. For the boys, Capri sun…it’s got to be Wild Cherry. That will be substituted with some water bottles… you got to pace yourself. No pictures can be taken. It’s best that men are men and no stories of a wild night leave that room…kind of like Vegas. Plus, I don’t want to get yelled at for an ice bucket next to the couch…bottom line, I’m protecting myself from my wife…she’d kill me.

Ivan Nova will be on the mound against Doug Fister tonight. It will be intense and I’ll be nervous at every pitch. I’ll be writing for all of you when I can, Tweeting and Facebooking. My kids will be asking me a lot of questions about players I probably won’t know the answers to, but I’ll do my best, after all, I’m the dad. After the 2nd inning, by 7 year old will move to the computer and play a little Club Penguin. By the 4th inning, he will tell me he’s “so bored” and most likely by the 5th, he’ll fall asleep snuggled next to me.

My 9 year old will probably be up late tonight and probably do what I did as a kid; he’ll have his baseball cards out, reading the stats and facts from the back of the Topps cards as the players come to the plate. He’ll rattle off useless information that will actually fascinate me, because I’m a baseball nerd and he knows it. After all, this is a guy’s night. “We’re men. That means a few things. We like to shit with the door open, we talk about pussy, we go on Riverboat gambling trips, we make our own beef jerky. That’s what we do.”

(This post would not be complete if I didn’t have a quote from Step Brothers.) The reality is, we wouldn’t do any of those things, but being with my sons during the playoffs is a lot of fun. My younger guys will be sleeping, too young to understand any of this, but don’t worry, I’m teaching them the “Let’s go Yankees” chant early. They’ll have it cold by the age of 4.

The playoffs and a guy’s night. It’s truly the sweetest night of my life. Although, we all know what would make it sweeter, ALDS Champs… Let’s go YANKEES!

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