Sunday, September 18, 2011


The Yankees offense was non-existent today and if you don't hit, you don't score and if you don't score you don't have a shot to win. Now, in fairness, the Yankees held Curtis Granderson, Derek Jeter and Mark Teixeira today, but look, we still had a major league roster on the field... we need to win. The Yankees road trip has been brutal and those guys needed a rest. Let's face it, even Superman needs a rest once and a while and no doubt, the Yankees are running on empty.

Today, the Yankees left Toronto down 2 games to 3 in the series. It was a bad Series loss, but I'm here to tell you it's not the end of the world. Yes, Morrow allowed only 4 hits in 8 innings, but guess what, he's good. Life goes on and life goes on today too.

I know I know, panic is setting in. I'm here to tell you, a new day will come and more wins are on the horizon. Why? Because we're the God Damn New York Yankees, that's why. Have we ever given up? Have we? I think back to John Belushi in Animal House who, while comical, made perfect sense and a very good point in his rant:

"What? Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is!" When have the Yankees ever been a bunch of losers? When have the Yankees ever given up? Never.

A bad game is a bad game and today was a bad game, but it's not the end. Freddy Garcia was not good; 4.2 innings today... that's it. He allowed 5 hits on 3 runs, he walked 3 and struck out 4. Am I worried about Garcia? No. Why you ask? Well, to put it simply, have you seen what else we have in our rotation? We're slim pick-ins. Freddy's tired but guess what, we're all tired and limping to the finish line. But, the reality of it all is, you can't panic. We will get there and we will regroup. We go home now. That's probably the best word of this whole post...HOME. This road trip, the Yankees were 4-6, and it was not good, but going home is good and if we play hard home with a home crowd behind us and we do our best "World Champion" dance and win, win, win, momentum will sway our HOME.

I'd love to tell you something the Yankees did today offensively but there isn't thing. As of late, and yesterday is the exception, the Yankees aren't scoring, but what they need is a kick in the pants. They need 1 moment, one big shining moment; be it a big hit, or one big strikeout, or something to trigger and shake them and say "Wake up boys, we have a championship to win!" Momentum is key and I tell you what, we will win and we will make the playoffs, but it's going to be a battle. Again though... don't panic... not yet.

Now, me personally, I'm selfish. I suspect that moment that will sway momentum our way will be #602. I suspect Joe Girardi will do the right thing and I suspect he'll bring out Jorge Posada out to catch under the lights in the Bronx. Mariano Rivera will be on the mound to secure 602. There will be a stand ovation and it will be like old times, Mo to Poe, OUT... Mo to Poe OUT... Mo to Poe...OUT... "YANKEES WIN, THE YANKEES... WIN! We have a brand new Saves champion in baseball, and it's Mariano Rivera." If I haven't bothered you too much already with WHY SAVE 602 SHOULD BE MARIANO TO POSADA, I am now... read it. Predictions come true sometimes... I sure hope mine does.

Final Score: Blue Jays 3 - Yankees 0

Now we go home. Next game. September 19th vs. the home. I've never wanted to be HOME so bad in my life. How about you?

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