Monday, September 9, 2024


Maybe I like seeing an unhappy Nestor Cortes with a chip on his shoulder on the mound. Seriously, who was that guy on the mound Saturday? If pissing Cortes off brings that kind of a performance I am not against it at all. If he's a team player, he shouldn't be against it either.

In case you haven't heard yet, Cortes isn't happy, read more HERE. He pitched brilliantly against the Cubs in a relief role. No one has said this would be a permanent role for him, but we all heard Aaron Boone say he was going to get "creative" with the bullpen. This was the creativity, and it worked. Even if Boone wants to do this more often or make it permanent...I really don't care!

Obviously, Cortes cares a lot. We've watched Cortes struggle consistently now for two seasons and unless the Yankees get rid of him, we've got him until he becomes a free agent in 2026. The Yankees have to find what works and then execute based on what is best for the team.....not based on minimizing temper tantrums.

Cortes sees himself as a starter, and I completely understand that. What he needs to understand is he has struggled again this season, so if moving him to the pen relieves some pressure and gives the Yankees a competitive edge, he just needs to quit his crying and do what is asked of him. Simple as that. Put the ego in check, quit the crying and just do what is asked. Otherwise, maybe this isn't a fit and playing for the Chicago White Sox is more his speed.

It's simple really, pitch better as a starter and you won't be replaced by guys like Luis Gil or Clarke Schmidt. For 6 weeks he sucked. If Schmidt hadn't went down with an injury he might've been replaced completely. When you perform as a starter, you get to pitch as a starter and make starter money. If Cortes wants to remain a starter, then he needs to prove he can handle that role. Maybe he can.... but maybe not as a Yankee. We've seen that before. It's tough to get the the show and sustain that role but that's part of the gig. If he can't be a starter for us, someone else will.

I personally do not care about appeasing Cortes and his fragile ego. I only care about winning, that is it. That is what the Yankees care about, and we haven't done it since 2009. At this point, it shouldn't matter what the ask is. Cortes and the rest of his teammates should do whatever the ask is with enthusiasm and keep the gripes and complaints silent. 

Drop the sh*tty attitude, Cortes. Your team is struggling, and you have a chance to make some changes that could still help you win the division and make a good postseason run. It's time to think big picture....and you are only a small piece of the puzzle. Suck it up, buttercup!

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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