Tuesday, January 10, 2023


I was never a fan of him when he was with the Mets. In fact, I think that Omar Minaya actually made the Mets worse when he was there.  Now, years later it looks like the Yankees are stock piling executives and adding Omar Minaya? I mean, is this necessary?

The New York Daily News writes:

"The Yankees continued their efforts to bulk up the front office Thursday bringing in Omar Minaya, the former Mets general manager to work as a senior advisor to baseball operations...

Cashman asked for permission to interview Minaya last March but at the time, the executive was working on various international projects with the league, including an international draft, and wanted to see some projects through. Now, he’s ready to join Cashman and bring his experiences to the Yankees.

“There’s a lot of connectivity, a lot of people and I’m a big believer that it’s about people,” Minaya said on a Zoom call with reporters Thursday afternoon. This game is about the human element.”

We shall soon see what this really adds to the Yankees team. I say nothing really. It makes no sense to me.

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