Saturday, July 16, 2022


We know that Juan Soto rejected a 15 year offer worth $440 million from the Washington Nationals. Read that HERE. By the way, that doesn't mean he's coming to the freaking Yankees. So can we all calm the F down?  

Dude, I love the pictures of him in a Yankee uniform. That's all great and fun to think about. But for the love of everything holy, Yankee fans annoy the shit out of me sometimes.

Why are we the ones that act like 3 year olds in the play room grabbing every single toy from the toy box? That's not reality! 

Stop being a baby, and start understanding business.

Ya'll love Aaron Judge right? 

I've been seeing this love affair with him since April. Judge has been doing everything RIGHT for us.  He's our shiny thing. 

Suddenly Juan Soto says no to the Nationals and shines some light our way and we're gonna drop Judge like a bad habit for the NEW shiny thing? What the hell is wrong with ya'll?  Does loyalty exist?  Read this tweet:

 "love Judge but I want Soto"

Does integrity exist? You're all falling over each other. You're ridiculous.

And here's another question. 

Do we really think the Yankees can afford Judge and Soto and everyone else we have over the long term? Sure, Soto is young and Judge is older, but you're suddenly gonna drop the "this is business" line because you want Soto? 

Think about this; The Yankees are invested in Judge. He will get the deal he wants from them. He's a franchise player. He's marketable. They need him. And dare I say, the Yankees don't want to see him go.

Do they need Soto? Actually? YOU WANT MY TRUE OPINION? They don't. 

Have you seen what the Yankees have been doing this year? Have we forgotten?  Personally, I think the guy is awesome, but we do not need him.  Trust me, we don't have to collect all of the greatest players in baseball to be top dog.  And so... I say the following... Calm Down!

Are you hoping for a rental with a trade of Soto to the Nationals? Do you think we can just flip Soto for Gallo, Hicks and Chapman? Or how about just Gallo like this fucking idiot lies about on Twitter...

Honestly... do you think it will be that easy? You think the Nationals will ask is Volpe? I do. We were praising Volpe a week ago. We've been touting the farm system for months. Now we just wanna give it all away because we all think we're Yankee front office personnel. We all need to stop. 

The worst part about being a Yankee fan is being greedy AF. Look, everyone wants good players, but in the trade world, especially with the Yankees, making trades for top players means giving top players away to make it worth it for the other team.  

Now will Soto come to the Yankees? Maybe. Maybe not. 

I personally like this guy's tweet below because he's in the realm of common sense:

But you know what I know right now? Nothing has happened... ya'll just act like it's going to.  STOP.

You know what I want to happen to tick you all off? I want him to go to the Mets, really get you all nuts and screaming. Something ridiculous to let you realize that you already have a really good thing with this 2022 Yankees team. Let's watch these guys shine. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.  

I'm most surprised at Talkin' Yanks:

All for the clicks. Dude... let it ride our first. Then make this. Give me a break.

And by the way, people are gonna read this on Bleeding Yankee Blue right now and get in my face for being "Anti-Yankee" or " A Douchbag" or "A Jerk-off", or  "a Yankee hater" or "Not a true Yankee fan". I really don't care.  Stop being insane and just let things play out.  

When and if Soto comes to the Yankees, we will celebrate then. For now... it's just a regular day in baseball.

Other opinons on BYB are coming.  Suzie Pinstripe with a big piece tomorrow. Look for it!

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