Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Suzyn Waldman has spoken! So, listen, because she's right!

With all this COVID-19 stuff, people are going crazy. And now with places like Texas opening up to regular life again, and the pandemic not over, it's wrong and it's selfish, just like that idiot Aubrey Huff. If you really wanna read misleading tweets, lies and falsehoods, read that loser because he seems to think that it's about him and not the 532,000 that have died because of this pandemic.

Anyway, enough about that, it's just facts... people are dying and if wearing masks and vaccinations work, then do it. NOT for you... for the rest of our people.  Enter Suzyn Waldman.

The New York Post writes:

"The Rangers announced on Wednesday that they will allow full capacity — 40,518 fans — for Opening Day at their new stadium, Globe Life Field, when they take on the Blue Jays. After that game they will have socially distanced seating.

Yankees play-by-plan man John Sterling brought up the story to Suzyn Waldman on Wednesday night’s Yankees broadcast.

“I am glad I am not there. I am glad I am not there,” Waldman said. “Stupid.”

I really hope that 2 weeks after opening day there isn't gonna be a huge outbreak in Texas after their opening day.  Then again, I hope there is... to make a point. You know what I mean, it's sickening.

I applaud Suzyn Waldman. The greatest! Love that she's speaking her mind.


  1. Yeah New York has done so much better handling the pandemic.

  2. You New Yorkers can continue to hide in your basements like sheep while killing your elderly in nursing homes and protecting your sexual predator of a Governor / we don’t care. The rest of us are getting our vaccine and safelyvreturning to normal life.

  3. Shut up and go live, maybe you should go isolate with Andy Cumo. If it is so great in NY, why are you all moving to Florida and Texas

  4. And Suzy needs to retire, what a homer

  5. I am more motivated now to move to Texas or Florida

  6. Imagine being brainwashed enough to think this was ever a “pandemic”. Keep wearing that face diaper and get that vaccine and stay lining in fear.

  7. What does shecsay about her home stste opening up 3/19???? LOL. If you're scared, stay home. People are over this hoax! #FreeThePeople


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