Sunday, November 15, 2020


It's going to outrage many of you and I mean nothing by it. Read the article, not just the headline. There's a message here I'd like you to read, because you know me... my mind always wonders in the world of trying to make things different on the Internet.  

I think that balance in humanity is ultra important. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and even women. We should all be equal. The constitution says so. It's a huge deal.  I didn't write about the amazing news about Kim Ng getting hired by the Marlins right away yesterday because I wanted to let it sink it in and I truly wanted to read what everyone was saying about it. Every publication wrote how qualified she was. How it was a long time coming. 

How amazing she is and how she will be and how she will open the door for more women to take high level jobs in baseball.  By the way, every single one of those things is true. I am not only happy to see movement and diversity become a huge part of baseball, but I want it to keep going... maybe even one say seeing a female manager in the major leagues. How incredible would that be?

But then I think about the other side.  

I will never forget this.  I was on a bus headed into Manhattan, I was about 40 years old and the bus was packed.  A pregnant woman was standing in the aisle... there were no seats.   I asked her "Would you like to sit? I can stand?"  She looked at me and her face became angry. 

"No... I can stand, don't be ridiculous."

I was taken back.  "Don't' be ridiculous" I thought? I was doing what my parents told me to do as a kid... be courteous, be kind, help people, offer help whenever you can, especially IF you can.  

Why am I telling you this... well, because I got to thinking.  What does Kim Ng think? Would Kim Ng want to be made a big deal of, or would this be what equality is really all about? Yes it's groundbreaking, but is it worth being the headline so hard that it becomes saturated and then ignored?  Every article was about Kim yesterday.  So much so that I stopped reading.  Does that help the cause? 

Don't get me wrong. Kim will walk in and do a incredible job. She has the mind for it, but you gotta wonder if she would have wanted that fanfare like yesterday... where so many articles crush the headlines... so it almost becomes overwhelming and nothing matters anymore.

BYB is different. We make you think. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that this isn't important because it's VERY important. But in our world of equality... let's celebrate, but then let these amazing people do their jobs and watch them shine. These great people want to be like everyone other leader in this world and in baseball...

Justine Seigal. Mary Elizabeth Murphy. Alyssa Nakken. Toni Stone.  I could go on and on. Google the name above. There is greatness with every one of these powerful women. And no one knows that better than me. I employ mostly women to write for Bleeding Yankee Blue. I think it's important to have everyone join us here.  

But what's my point? We welcome good strong women. We love looking at ways to make corporations better... baseball better and let's face it... men mess everything up.  It's another way to do things, a better way to look at the job and as a whole... we make a product better... White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and even women. Because let's face it... in this world we live in now? We need to come together. We need to make a better place, planet and yes... a better MLB.

Kim Ng is a fantastic story... but I would bet she'd want just a congratulations and move on.  Why? Because she's got work to do... and you know what? I admire that very much.

Congrats to General Manager Ng. You're gonna do great things!

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