Adam Ottavino is a New York Yankee, and if you don't like this move and the deal of 3 years, $24 million, you just don't get it. The Yankees are probably out on Manny Machado. The Yankees are probably not interested in Bryce Harper... and that's OK. Why? Because the Yankee offense was never the problem. The Yankees needed pitching and Brian Cashman delivered.
Now some of you will say "Well, he still might do it! He still may bring Manny to the Bronx!" Sure, waste you damn time and dream about it all you want. You may be right. I think you're wrong. That's it. I think if the Yankees were really hell bent on bringing Manny to the Bronx, it would have been done a long time ago. This standing offer of 7-years, $175 million is ridiculous from the White Sox. The fact that he hasn't taken it is even more ridiculous. What is he waiting for? I can't imagine it gets much higher than that. Why? BECAUSE HE'S NOT WORTH IT.
And sure, you can argue that Manny is one of the best players of his generation. Sure, have fun with that. Maybe he is. But reputation is valuable and when you show arrogance and suggest that you don't need to hustle for a team because you don't need to because you're Manny Machado... I have news for you, you become tainted.
And that's why the Yankees remained stern and went for what made sense. Getting Adam Ottavino and eventually seeing him on the Yankee Stadium mound with pinstripes on makes the loss of David Robertson alittle bit better. Plus, the dominance of the Yankee pen is and can be amazing. But I caution thinking this so soon. The season even hasn't started yet. I hate speculation of how great something will be before it is. But looking at it on paper... it's pretty incredible that Cashman pulled this off.
And what's more impressive is that Cash has been tough about every move he made. There's no BS involved. He's surgical... strategic and did what the Yanks needed most. Even he knows offense in that Yankee lineup is damn good. An extra big bat? Sure, it helps, but not at the price Manny is demanding. And so, what Cashman did was brilliant. He signed a guy who didn't demonstrate arrogance when he went to the press and alluded to the fact that he doesn't have to do certain things for a team. Instead, he told the press what he WILL do for a team... and did it with the most Iconic Yankee of all time...
"I would strike out Babe Ruth every time."
That's not arrogance folks, that confidence. And in the end, I want that guy on my team. It may be a trick, but I'm sold!
Welcome to the Bronx, Ottavino. My only wish is that I could see that magical show down between you and the Babe. That would be fun to see.
Go kick ass, Adam!

The bullpen was never a problem. The problem was our starters not going deep into innings and the bullpen getting tired out before the playoffs. We need starters that can deep into innings before we use the bullpen. So what we need is starters.