Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I want to point out that I was just on Facebook and the New York Yankees have posted a commemoration that is significant, especially today.  They want to remind us fans that one year ago yesterday, the Yankees signed Sonny Gray.

While not earthshattering, it's a subliminal move that proves that the Yankees have backed Sonny publicly and appreciate him on the team.  Will a comment between friends on Twitter change that? I don't know.  And there are other questions when it comes to his pitching... Is he perfect? Far from it? Can he get his head right? They haven't given up on him yet.

And I gotta tell ya. From a fan perspective... when I see something like what the Yanks did above, I have to say, it's nice. It's a pretty big deal.

For the record, I think it should be stated that we here at BYB does not find Sonny Gray to be a racist.  He made a stupid joke to a close friend in a sensitive society. That being said, I can totally understand how people would be offended by what he said. That is here.

But this is a quote from Gray from

The Yankees clearly back and support Sonny Gray.

Can you?

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