Change is in the air. In case you missed it, the Yankees are already making moves starting with the dismissal of Dana Cavalea. Nothing calls for a fast change like a disappointing season in Yankeeland. Failure isn't an option here. If you can't help the team win then someone else will. The team couldn't stay healthy, so Cavalea is gone. Now....what about the hitting?
No disrespect to Kevin Long but he should be a little worried. Cavalea was released after one catastrophically bad season, but Kevin Long has had a few consecutive years now with bad results. Next year is going to be tough. We need to stay healthy with an old lineup and we need to hit. We haven't been able to do either of those consistently....let alone together. Maybe new coaches for both of these will help get things going. So, who is out there?
Paul O'Neill anyone? We have been spoiled as fans. We had him during our dynasty years and now he is in the broadcast booth with YES network and he is a fan favorite, but what about seeing him back on the field as a coach? He was an important part of all of those championship years and he was an important leader in the clubhouse. Before the days of the Derek Jeter we know today, he was mentoring him as a rookie. If anyone can mentor players in New York and help them improve, it's him. He knows how to perform under the bright lights, and I think he would make a great coach.
If I could have things my way, Jorge Posada would be back in pinstripes as a coach right now. Part of me feels selffish to even think about that considering how right now he just wants that time with his amazing wife Laura Posada and their beautiful children. He sacrificed a lot over the years that we watched him play for us. He retired on his terms to be with his family but I still miss him on that field. I miss his intensity and his leadership. I think about how Joe Girardi passed on his knowledge to him years ago....and in my head I can see him doing the same thing to a young rookie. His passion and intensity are missed....and not only that Jorge was one hell of a hitter and could teach the next generation of bombers a thing or two. I will continue to hold onto this idea as some sort of pipedream because a girl can dream.
What about Tino Martinez? It was a bumpy ride for him down in Miami. None of us will really know what was or wasn't said to those players and in that clubhouse but obviously there was some sort of disconnect. Maybe the chemistry just wasn't there. But there certainly was chemistry in the Bronx for all those years. I look back at 2003 and am still amazed at his 34 home runs and 113 RBI's. Tino knew how to hit and he was clutch. Maybe he just didn't click with the younger kids down in Miami, but Yankee stadium is different. We all love and adore Tino, and I think in the right environment he could be a good hitting coach.
There's always the idea of Dante Bichette, too. He was a good hitter, and he has such a Passion for the sport. I remember when he agreed to be the hitting coach for the Colorado Rockies, a lot of people down in Arizona were buzzing about it. He was a reason to go watch the Rockies in Spring Training. As much as he has enjoyed his time in Colorado, he decided to walk away from the job in September, read that HERE. Bichette already has connections with the Yankees. His son Dante Bichette, Jr is in the Yankee farm system, so it could happen, right? It's a nice idea, but if he walked away because he was missing too much time with his family in Florida I am not counting on that idea.
Last but not least, there is always Don Mattingly. Who doesn't like Donny baseball? It's been a rough season for him. After almost being fired early in the season he managed to get the Dodgers to the postseason. Earlier this week there was talk about him not wanting to return to LA, but on Wednesday it was reported HERE that the Dodgers and Mattingly have agreed that he will stay in LA until he at least finishes his contract through next season. It would be nice to have Mattingly back in the Bronx, but it doesn't look like he is ready to give up his management gig anytime soon. It's still nice to think about a possible reunion though.
It will be interesting to see what changes are made in the next few weeks. I am having flashbacks of 2008 in my head right now. We may not go out and sign a bunch of new players, but maybe we will make some important coaching changes. Was there anyone on our list that interests you? Tell us what you think.

--Jeana Bellezza, BYB Senior Writer and Editor
Twitter: @NyPrincessJ
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