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It’s destiny, nothing less. Let’s Go Yankees!
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.I recently wrote THE EXTRA LEFTY THE YANKEES NEVER HAD and in it, I described how there were several opportunities out there to gather a lefty and we even had one for a moment in Aaron Laffey and then he disappeared after 1 appearance in pinstripes. Sad, I even remember a feature in which he was interviewed saying how it was a dream come true. Read it HERE.
That being said, I also wrote about how Feliciano and Marte were going to pitch in a Gulf League game on their road back. One problem. Both experienced soreness. Trust me; these characters will not be back this season. It’s the school of Carl Pavano. I’m not saying they’re faking it, I’m saying the signings are ridiculous.
So what’s next? Luckily, we have a few options. Manny Banuelos is in the minors and while young, he’s a definite option. Cashman has stated that he doesn’t want to bring the kid up, but there’s nothing wrong with having an extra lefty in the pen, especially if we are making a run for the playoffs.
There is also that thing called a waivers deadline. Cashman is already doing it, and by doing it, I mean scoping out which lefty pitchers are out there that teams placed on waivers. Believe me, if there is an option, Cashman will do it, but I know he won’t force it. Why? Because he already forced it with Feliciano and Marte and he’s paying for it.
Look, the Yankees are winning, that is a good thing, but we’re stumbling through some days and all I’m saying is, a little extra help can’t hurt, that’s all.
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Women are no strangers to heartbreak. We were raised on stories like Cinderella and Snow White, where determination and heart always bring results. We’ve all had those “so close, but yet so far moments” in our lives, where we have been forced to pick up where we left off, dust off, and move on. Making the best of what we have is a way of life for us. That doesn’t mean, however, that we don’t dream about what things would be like if we reached out beyond our comfort zone and all of our dreams came true.
Most recently, the Yankees are Cinderella, the World Series Championship is Prince Charming’s Ball, and the Red Sox are the evil stepmother.Knowing what we want, and how to get it, is very different when you are at the mercy of decisions made by other people that aren’t actually playing the game. Decisions like leaving Bartolo Colon in for too long on Sunday, for example. Colon’s horse drawn coach turned into a pumpkin during the 8th inning, yet Fairy Godmother Joe Girardi decided to keep him in, and making pumpkin pie out of the inning.
When ARod stepped up to bat in the 9th, the shoe just didn’t fit, and an inning-ending double play ended all chances of getting to the ball. So if you’re asking, “whatever happened to “Someday My Prince Will Come”? In this case, the fairy godmother, the evil stepmother and other influences seem to have more influence over our team than in necessary.
All of the Cinderella and Snow White references aren’t just for poetic license. It’s a lesson to be learned. When everyone is against you, and the situation seems hopeless, you need that same determination, hope, and yes, maybe even a little faith and trust, to get to the dance. Back to the grind, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over again. If there’s one thing that those fairy tales taught us, it’s that nothing is easy, and many times, it will seem like nothing or no one is on your side. But don’t give up. If you do that, all hope is lost.
I’m not saying that the Yankees need to break into song or dance around the field with little bluebirds; no, that’s not it. But if they whistle while they work, shake it off, and push forward, and put their hearts into the grind, maybe we can put the days of heartbreak far behind us after all, we're about to play the evil stepmother in Beantown... and it's Show time.
--Christy Lee, BYB Staff Writer
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He writes: "It's obvious he's no longer the Bombers' No. 2 starter, and he wouldn't be one in Flushing either, but he wouldn't have to fill that spot in the rotation. Until Johan Santana returns, he could pitch pressure free as the Mets' No. 5 behind Mike Pelfrey, Jonathon Niese, Dillon Gee and R.A. Dickey."
Stop right there. This is totally true and while I love Chrapowicki thinking out of the box, to me, AJ Burnett being moved down in the rotation on the Yankees would make just as much sense as perhaps trading him to the Mets for Jason Bay. But look, the world hates AJ Burnett right now. I even wrote WHY BURNETT SEALED HIS FATE after his last horrendous pitching performance and i was convinced, CONVINCED he pitched his way out of the rotation. But he has Joe Girardi wrapped around his finger and was given 1 more shot against the evil Red Sox this upcoming series. Why? Because, while AJ Burnett is a loser, he's not a total loser, he can still pitch in the bottom of the rotation somewhere if not on the New York Yankees. Now, Stan's right, the Mets make sense. Especially in a field like that where nothing leaves the ballpark. He may even turn into a star.
Then Chrapowicki brilliantly ties in Jason Bay. He writes:
"Not only would Bay be back in the league in which he had a career year (2009 with the Red Sox), he would be playing his home games at Yankee Stadium, which has been a launching pad since it opened three years ago. In his year and a half with Boston, Bay proved he could handle baseball's most intense rivalry (remember his game-tying blast off Mariano Rivera two years ago), so putting on the pinstripes should be no problem for him."I applaud Stan Chrapowicki, great piece, I hope everyone gets a chance to read it. I loved it.
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At first it confused me and then it made me smile. Wow, maybe not all people hate the New York Yankees or Derek Jeter. Maybe, just maybe, the tradition and ability of a 36 year old baseball player in pinstripes who will no doubt be up there with names like Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle will get respect from cities other than in the Tri-State area.
It turns out… and I hope I’m not on Candid Camera right now, that The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim are taking the high road to the sake of major League Baseball and honoring, not an Angel on September 9th, but a New York Yankee… a baseball player…#2…..Derek Jeter. Sounds like Bizarro World, but it’s true and I applaud them. Why? Because it’s not about an individual team, it’s about the ability of an individual ballplayer... Derek Jeter.
According to the OC Register, the Angels Vice President of Communications was quoted as saying “We are stilling finalizing some things… It is fair to say we want to honor the man, the player and the person in some form.”
For the love of baseball, this is a classy move by the Angels. The Yankees and the Angels have had their competitive runs against each other over the recent years and it’s safe to say this gesture turns the other cheek for the sake of baseball. I respect it and appreciate it.
When asking Jeter what he thought, he said, “I think baseball fans appreciate things like that, But in terms of being honored by another team, I haven’t thought about it.”
I have thought about it and while I appreciate the gesture, you have to wonder how baseball fans and Angels fans in Angels Stadium will react. I would expect fans will get it and a standing ovation would take place, but to tell you the truth, with that stupid rally monkey all over Angels Stadium and the rivalry that has developed over the years between the 2 teams, there will be plenty of booing and aggravation. I guess that's part of the game too. We'll have to see what happens. After all, those Cali fans are having this forced on them and Jeter’s not a Rod Carew or a Tim Salmon to them… it’s Derek Jeter, a New York Yankee.
Bottom line, I hope it all works out and I hope the fans get it, respect the decision and they have a good time, after all, Derek Jeter may be a Yankee Icon, but he’s a baseball icon to boot and he makes me proud.
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.The match ups today are most likely Bartolo Colon vs. Zach Britton. The Yanks were going to have Nova, but now he's pitching game 2.
The night game matches Ivan Nova vs. Brian Matusz.
An interesting nugget from Mark Hale of the New York Post says the Yankees are furious with the way Major League Baseball handled the rescheduling of yesterday's games. Apparently one of the games from yesterday we rescheduled for September 8th. WTF. Read the story HERE. Hale writes:
"Brian Cashman said his team was left out of the rescheduling arrangements for one of the two games postponed yesterday, which is now scheduled to be played Sept. 8. But the Orioles insist they've done nothing wrong and maintain both Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association approved the Sept. 8 date."