Friday, February 25, 2011


"Tex is going to have a monster season.” --Alex Rodriguez
No one knows Mark Teixeira better than Alex Rodriguez. In Texas, the 2 knew each other, trained together and Alex and Mark, played well together. Here in the Bronx, they kicked major ass in 2009 and in 2010, even with slow starts, slumps and injury, they still both put up respectable numbers. Alex and Mark are a good team, so if Alex says he believes Tex will have a monster season, I tend to believe him.

Couple that with Hitting God Kevin Long's recent quote and you may even grin from ear to ear:

“I've never seen Tex work so hard, He's on a mission, especially to get over the hump in April. He started swinging earlier, started swinging more. He's getting after it...he's worked on some things mechanically, too. He's tightened up his swing, made it more compact. If you've got competitive fire, which he does, you get to a certain point where you say, ‘This isn't going to happen again.’"

This sounds great, let's hope Teixeira can do it. It's funny how things get into a player's head and how a player's body adapts to certain environments and settings. As long as I can remember, Teixeira has started slow. Do I think he will again? Yes. But notice all he's doing to try and overcome the hump. I appreciate Mark for his work ethic. I respect it. Ladies and Gentlemen, even though he's trying to better himself, he also doesn't want to let us the fans down. You've got to love that.

Much like Alex and Long, I too believe Tex will be dominant this year. I think a slow start is inevitable, but the numbers and play will be respectable again, he will bounce back freaks! That, I can guarantee.

Tex hit .256 last year but he had 33 homers and drove in 108 runs. While the average is down, those production numbers a great. So all I can say is listen to the guys closest to Mark Teixeira, they're feeling his energy and soon enough, we will too.

Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.

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