The Yankees rotation next year will definitely include Ivan Nova, CC Sabathia, aaaaaand…
Oh my. Houston, we have a problem. What’s that Houston? The Astros are your problem? Okay, conceded.
Not to be all doom and gloom here, but just who will be taking the mound for the Yankees next year? CC Sabathia isn’t going anywhere. Yeah, he’s had a bad year. But his contract and fat stats will keep him in Pinstripes. He will be a starter, and one can only hope he will improve on this season.
Ivan Nova has firmly re-gained his Starter status. He dropped his ERA almost two full points to 3.17 from his disastrous 2012 campaign, when it was 5.02. He has been a solid and confident presence on the mound, and has earned the trust of the team once more. He will be a starter after improving on last season.
Hiroki Kuroda will be lost to the Free Agent Pool, along with Andy Pettitte and Phil Hughes. Three Yankee starters potentially gone. Kind of a big hole, don’t you think?
The price to keep Kuroda will most likely be too high for what he provides now. Hiroki has been very good during his time in New York. But cracks in his armor have been showing lately. This is not to say a deal shouldn’t get done. But it seems unlikely. It would have to be bottom dollar, and that’s hard to pull off in today’s MLB.
Phil Hughes. Fans have had their Phil of Hughes. They are calling for a Phil-a-buster. He is a Land-Phil of putrescence. Hughes has not been wonder-Phil, he has been disgrace-Phil. His stuff? Not so Phil-thy. I am Chock Phil of Hughes jokes.
So yeah, the one definite thing you can take from this article? Phil Hughes will not be back. No, he will end up somewhere else, find his talent again and win the Cy Young or something. Because that will make us all love him, right?
That leaves the Free Agent Pool. It is silly to try and guess who will end up where. Instead, let us take the attitude that I have been granted a wish to be GM for a day, with unlimited acquisition powers. Who would I select to fill out the rotation and why?
James Shields will be the prettiest girl at the dance, so to speak. Shields has lived up to his nickname “Big Game James” this year with the Royals. He sports a respectable ERA of 3.38, has gone 11-9, and most importantly, has the ability to beat the Tampa Bay Rays consistently. That is something the Yankees definitely need from a starter.
The bad news on Shields is he ain’t going to be cheap. He is easily the most desirable starter on the upcoming market, and everyone will be after him. The Red Sox may let Jon Lester go in order to secure him. Kansas City will try to re-sign him.
Expect the San Francisco Giants in the mix. They have Matt Cain and Madison Bumgartner locked up, and would be foolish not to pick up the option on Ryan Vogelsong. The Giants will be losing a grip on Chad Gaudin, Barry Zito, and Tim Lincecum. It is hard to believe they will hang on to all of them. Zito should be avoided. Gaudin would be an improvement over Hughes. That leaves The Freak.
It’s hard to believe that the Giants won’t sign him, but if they don’t, the Yankees should take a good look at Lincecum. He will be expensive and there is a risk element to that, always, but Freak seems to be returning to big game form. Relocation to Yankee Stadium might just re-energize him.
The real prize in San Francisco is Vogelsong. Bookmark that guy and check on him a lot. There is amazing talent and potential there. Should the Giants loosen their grip on him, the Yankees should wrest Ryan Vogelsong away. He would be the one I would go after.
Ubaldo Jimenez will be available, and he should be left that way. He has proven to be inconsistent and unreliable. Jon Lester should also be left alone. Same with Roy Oswalt. If you are going to go for those guys, you might as well just bring back Freddy Garcia.
Then we have those pitchers who have, at one time or another pitched for the Blue Jays; Shaun Marcum, Josh Johnson, AJ Burnett, Chien-Ming Wang, and Ted Lilly. Stay away from everyone who has ever worn a Toronto uniform.
Except one.
Roy Halladay will hit the market in 2014, after missing much of the season due to injury. But he is on the mound again when most expected him to not pitch again this year. He is doing terribly. Doc is 3-4, with an un-Halladay ERA of 7.19. There are those who say he is old and tired. That he is done. They are wrong.
If the Yankees can get Roy Halladay, they should. This writer has seen Doc perform in Toronto many times.
The man is exquisite. He has a training regimen second to none. He is dedicated, focused, and an unquestioned leader. He would bring up the level of New York’s entire staff just with his presence.
Roy Halladay has not won a Ring yet. You know he wants one. He is straining for it. Doc would be the answer to many questions. Yes he would be a roll of the dice. But so was Andy.
So, were I GM for a day, and given the unlimited ability to sign whomever I wanted from the Free Agent Pool next year, my rotation would be CC Sabathia, James Shields, Roy Halladay, Ivan Nova, and Ryan Vogelsong. I think that rotation will scare everyone else.
And while I am wishing, I would like a pony.

Chad R. MacDonald
BYB Features Writer
Facebook: New York Yankees the Home of Champions
My Blog: ChadRants
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