Thursday, May 2, 2013


(In Photo: Jack Curry doing his thing... not actually being shocked)
Bleeding Yankee Blue is graced by the greatest readers in the world.  You always have your eyes opened and you are constantly emailing us with ideas, stories and notes of praise.  I get the hate mail too... I'm not sure why, it's not like we hate anyone on this end, but whatever.  The point is we started this website with me writing 1 story a day, usually a recap or a short opinion on a Yankee game and it's developed into appointment reading.  You look for us.  Why? Because we're fans like you. We don't try to prove to you that our opinion actually matters in the grand scheme of things, we just like to keep it "real" and make you think. And guess what? We know you might disagree and that's OK. Hey, you gotta love the dialog, plus we're interactive and we try and keep it light.  Let's face it, there too much craziness in our real world, at least come to BYB to escape, or laugh or whatever.

Overtime we've become relevant. It's no accident, when you guys read us, you pass it on to a friend, or you Retweet it... you've helped drive us and we're just the vehicle here. I have 1 thing to say to that... Thank you, I'm blessed and that extends to you AND to the greatest writers ever here at BYB. They are easy going, they know that I don't appreciate know-it-alls and finally... we all are fans... we're 1 big family.

 (In Photo: Becki Leonard)
So what's my point? This... a terrific note brought to you by a BYB fan (that sounds weird) Becki Leonard who wrote me this email on May 1st... yesterday:

"Hey BYB-

I just wanted to share a quick story from last night’s game where I was not only lucky enough to have my seats upgraded to Legends (Seriously- Lobster at Yankee Stadium!), but I also got to share a little exchange with none other than YES Networks' Jack Curry!

I think it was around the 8th inning when I saw Jack appear in the 3rd base press box.  After I called for him twice, he turned around and I said “That was a great interview with Bleeding Yankee Blue you did awhile ago!”  He smiled and said "Thank you" and turned back around.   Then, he turned back to me with a big smile and jokingly asked me “You read that blog?”  I answered him immediately... “Everyday!”  He smiled again and gave me a thumbs up.

Along with getting to see #42 Mariano Rivera come in and finish the game for Save #10, that little exchange with Jack Curry and sharing my love for Bleeding Yankee Blue made my night and it's something I'll never forget!  Thanks for all the great posts you guys write!  Keep up the great, amazing work!"

What a sweetheart and I laughed out loud when I read that.  It's amazing how the power of social networks have changed the world of journalism.  I'm no journalist, I'm a dad, but I know how important it is to have a source to a story and at least give an opinion if you have one.  I learned from the best and I often mention guys like Ken Davidoff or Pete Caldera of the Bergen Record, who, truth be told, I don't go out drinking with, but I know if I wanted to grab a beer and pick his brain, I'm sure it would doable. 

And there was one other guy I read a lot back in the day and I continue to follow his career still to this day... that's Jack Curry. He, along with the others do it very well, many times better than the others.  Was Jack Curry "shocked" to hear that Bleeding Yankee Blue was being read? Maybe, but I would almost hope he's giving BYB alittle "atta boy" with that thumbs up. After all, it's guys like him that got me interested in doing this website in the first place. And while it may not be perfect... it's mine and we have you guys to read us every day, root us on and give your thoughts like we do to you... every single day.

Becki, your story made my day and Jack... check us out! Be proud and hey, read us!  We don't just rant anymore. We report, we create... we make the reader's smile... and yes, people actually read us, that's no lie... it's true. It's really true!!

Please comment, we have DISQUS, it's easier than ever. Let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.

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