Monday, September 23, 2024


Sometimes you read things that make you laugh hysterically. That's where I am at right now. I'm laughing hysterically, because is advocating for Aaron Boone in ways that are just beyond crazy. It's another example of analytics gone wrong.

And we've seen some bad analytics for YEARS now but now we get to digest that Baboonie has 600 wins in "just" 1,025 games. You can read more HERE but, 600 wins does not instantly propel you into the "good manager" club. Sorry, folks. Successfully managing a team to a championship on the other hand, THAT makes a good manager. Joe Torre did it four times, and Joe Girardi did it most recently in 2009. He came close in 2017, and then Hal Steinbrenner fired him because he didn't have the respect of a younger clubhouse. Baboonie has zero championships but.....he's liked by his players.

Whoopdeedoo! Baboonie is liked and he's brought his team into the postseason for six of the last seven seasons with a 14-17 record. That's what some are celebrating these days, but not me. I celebrate the actual championship earned, not getting into the final race which is now 12 out of 30 teams. 

Almost half of MLB makes it to the postseason. That doesn't make you a good team, or a manager of a good team. That just means you weren't at the bottom and aren't golfing at the beginning of October.

That's not the only thing I am laughing at though. The Yankees are on the verge of clinching the AL East and have the best record in baseball. Great, all thanks to Aaron Judge and Juan Soto. But what happens if the Yankees are bounced from the playoffs early? Or, what if they don't make it to the World Series? NJ seems to think Boone's critics (like me) might finally get their way and he may be toast because Baboonie's contract only includes a club option for 2025. That's an interesting take.

As much as I think Baboonie should be dismissed, I don't see it happening. At the end of the day, Baboonie is loved by Brian Cashman and Hal. He is a puppet and will do whatever he is told. Not to mention, Judge is his biggest advocate of all and Hal isn't going to discard how his captain feels. He's loved by all in the organization even if not loved by many fans. He makes players happy. He doesn't make fans happy....and Hal doesn't care about that until it affects his wallet more.

So, congrats on your 600 wins, Baboonie.... take your participation trophy with pride but unless you can produce a World Series championship, your stats mean crap.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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