Thursday, August 1, 2024


"Yeah, I'm a second baseman. I play second."  --- Gleyber Torres 

Says the little boy who throws a fit when he doesn't get his way. He pouts thinking he will get what he wants because it's his world. Except it isn't his world. Welcome to the real world. You don't get to call the shots, Gleyber. 

Or does he? After all, Aaron Boone is a player's manager and manages with rainbows, unicorns and fuzzy feelings, right? Boonie doesn't manage, he coddles these guys. He's not a leader at all. So this answer of "Gleyber wants to stay at second base, understandably. But I think he'll be open to doing some work over there and take ground-ball days, just getting a little bit of work, get a little bit of feel," from Baboonie isn't surprising at all. Boonie also admits that Torres is "a little reluctant" to play third base. Hey guess what? I wish I was 5'7" supermodel that lived in a mansion on the beach. Tough cookies, that's not my situation. I work hard, don't cry about it and that's that. Why can't he do the same?

So now that the Yankees have Jazz Chisholm Jr. they are trying to retool their roster and find the best and most productive place for him. That has Torres feeling entitled, apparently. Chisholm can play centerfield, second base and shortstop if needed and is starting his new role with the Yankees with the right attitude at least and says he is ready to help wherever is needed and right now that will be third base......because cry baby Torres won't do it.

In 2018 when Torres was in Triple-A he did play third base but he didn't like it. In fact, "it was just an opportunity to play in the big leagues faster at that moment. Just do everything possible to help the team in that moment." That just changed my perception for sure. Gleyber played third base in the past for his own self-serving purpose, but said he was doing it to help the team?  Get outta here. Well, you can do it to help the team now, but you’re refusing. I'm not buying what you are selling, sir.

Now, I am not saying moving him to third base is the best idea. I think a position change like this should be approached before the season starts....not middle of the season. Hell, we all saw what happened when the Yankees moved him to shortstop, it didn't work at all. So, I don't think that is the solution. However, I don't think throwing a temper tantrum in your walk year when you have struggled most of the season is helping his cause at all. This isn't how a professional big leaguer should act, especially when you say you want to remain a Yankee. 

So I get it. Gleyber wants to stay at second because "I play second" blah blah blah.....we know this. You do play second, just not very well. Your 14 errors committed this season are the most in the majors for a second basemen. Last year you had 15 errors. You may be a second baseman today......but you won't be next season. Not on this team at least.

Grow up, Gleyber.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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