Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Maybe that's because he doesn't know much about anything.  Am I right?

Meet Michael Fishman.  He's the guy we can blame for the "wrong numbers" that Aaron Judge referred to when the season ended and what Zack Britton said was where there was a rift in the clubhouse.  So, this is the guy who got it wrong, even though the New York Post calls him the Yankees' stat guru, I'm hoping that nickname is sarcastic, because he sucks.

The Post writes:

"...Fishman said the Yankees have continued to try to adjust their analytical processes over the years, even though the recent results have not been up to snuff... “When we develop a model and we’re having success and relying on it, we don’t just say, ‘All right this is great, let’s keep using it,’ ” Fishman said Monday at the winter meetings. “We continue to test that model and see if there are adjustments that need to be made to it. Even some models we’ve had success with, there have been tweaks over the years to make that a little better.”

Asked if that model now needed tweaks or overhauls, coming off the Yankees’ 82-80 season and a number of recent transactions that have not worked out, Fishman hedged.

“I think there are some cases where tweaks are needed and some cases where overhauls are needed,” he said, though he declined to provide specifics on what might need an overhaul."

Being cagey is no way to lead, but that's what he does, Cashman does, Boone does.  It's all the same business model. "Don't reveal anything to the fan base... in fact, just keep doing what we're doing and if we land a big free agent or big bopper like Juan Soto, the fans will forget."

But fans won't forget. Last season sucked.  Players are now calling out the Yankees analytics system.  Cashman is super defensive.  Clearly there is a problem in their front office.  And the biggest disappointment right now has to be Hal Steinbrenner who has really said NOTHING... and he drives the ship.  

I leave you with this... Fishman said this about the whole audit mess and it's very telling:

"Fishman clarified Monday that the Yankees won’t be opening their books for Zelus to audit, but that the Yankees will examine the company’s statistical models and compare them to their own.

“It’s an outside perspective, unbiased opinions, unbiased approach that may approach things in a different way than we did,” Fishman said. “A chance to get a different look. "

Zelus is the outside firm that was set to do the audit on the Yankees Analytics mess... the same mess that Hal said they would fix.  But the Yankees aren't offering them to help make the changes... instead, they are asking for their opinion without showing them the books... without showing them the full scope of the problem.  And so I ask you... WHAT THE HELL ARE THE YANKEES ACTUALLY DOING?

Yankee fans? Get ready for another crap season of non-confidence, ill advised, unsure and unreliable fixes to the 2024 season.  It's an FU sandwich to us fans.  It's pretty unbelievable.

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