Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Brian Cashman should lose his job. 

The fact that he would lash out and not able to handle the pressure of how badly he was at his job in 2023 is beyond entertaining.  He's lost it. He has the wrong manager, the wrong front office and not apologizing for sucking. He should be kissing our asses! Let's not forget the most important part of this...

AARON JUDGE HIMSELF WENT TO THE MEDIA AND STATED THAT MAYBE THE PLAYERS WERE "GIVEN THE WRONG NUMBERS."  That means the Yankees not only used analytics but relied on them HEAVILY.  Don't believe me? The Yankees were 19 games out of first place.  That's not a success, that's a disappointment.  Couple that with Judge's statement and Cashman is full of it.  

If you don't know what I'm talking about, listen to this tool try to defend himself to the press today.

You don't need to do a deep dive. It's all out there.  It's the eye test!

Cashman is unhinged, he calls "Bullshit" to the media and to us fans. WE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT PAY THIS ASSHOLE'S SALARY.   

Look, there is no question that the Yankees relied on analytics and that is actually not bullshit.  The excuse that the Yankees have the smallest analytics department, and the biggest scouting departments means nothing because it doesn't excuse the fact that they run both departments HORRIBLY! So large department, small department, it really doesn't matter.  

They have Aaron Boone there as a puppet calling the wrong shots, Cashman's feeling the pressure and Bruce Bochy who manages with his gut and mind and doesn't treat analytics like law is sitting in his living room with the World Series on his mantle.  

Brian Cashman loses big time here. He just insulted every single fan that knows he's gaslighting.  The media got this right.  The fans aren't stupid. 

Hal Steinbrenner needs to overhaul his front office.  There is no excuse for Cashman's freak out. His only job is to pick the best people and best players for this team to help us win a championship.  He has failed... and he is definitely in the wrong for his ridiculous behavior today!

It's BS.

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