Friday, September 8, 2023


Did Brian Cashman make another bad move?  Carlos Rodon has not been as advertised. Couple that with the fact that he started his Yankee career injured and was on the IL another time this season already, he just either hasn't found his rhythm or he's hurt, or both.  Who the hell knows. I do know this, I love the guy, but I can't for the life of me figure out if this is a mental of physical thing.  I really want him to succeed, but nothing's really happened yet. It bothers me. Here's one thing I know... Rodon is passionate about playing good baseball and winning. Oh yea... and he understands what Yankee fans want.

Klapisch writes:

"Rodon understands the flip side, too. “The fans here want to win. They care. They care a lot,” he said, which is in sharp contrast to passive vibe on the west coast.

“Giants fans are invested, but not like in New York,” Rodon said. “Win or lose, you’re not going to get booed in San Francisco.”

Brave man. Choosing the Bronx will be an asterisk on the back of Rodon’s baseball card. He wants the pent-up anger that awaits in 2023. He knows the Yankees are starting year 13 of a championship drought. He gets it that patience ran out long ago on River Avenue.

The Bombers will be on trial this summer. All of them. Rodon included."

You have to go back to how Cashman picks his players. You really do. I mean if Rodon proves to be a bust in the Bronx, the Yankee fan base will literally crucify Cashman. His track record is horrendous.  

"Making matters worse, General Manager Brian Cashman may have committed a $162 million blunder with Carlos Rodon. The pitcher’s 2023 performance has been nothing short of dismal...Rodon’s monthly ERA tells a sad tale—5.75 in July, 6.23 in August, and a staggering 9.35 in September...With Rodon under contract until 2029, the Yankees have a long road ahead. He’ll be 35 by the time he hits free agency and is already grappling with recurring injuries and plummeting consistency. While the team hopes for a renaissance in 2024, this contract increasingly seems like a gamble that may not pay off."

This is not what Yankee fans were expecting to get.  And I understand adjustments in a new city with the greatest fan base in the world, but the truth is no one wants to recognize that Brian Cashman may have messed up again and we really and truly need to start beating that drum loudly if Rodon doesn't pan out.

Rodon has something to prove to us fans, this is true.  And he has to.  But will he? Look, at this point we have given up on 2023.  Maybe a rest and a reset will turn this guy around. One can only hope... but if he doesn't fix this, Cashman is over.  He has to be.

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