Tuesday, August 8, 2023


You know what I do when someone points a finger in my face in a ridiculous moment? I rip it off.  Who do you think you are Aaron Boone?

As ridiculous as it was for Brett Gardner to bang his bat on the top of the Yankee dugout a few years back, please tell me what the hell Aaron Boone was doing with his continued theatrical appearance of  


By the way, I'd never go to a theater to see that flick. I wouldn't even see that off-off Broadway. And at a stadium, it would be funny for the moment until you actually think about how stupid it was.  It's clear Aaron Boone's disrespect for the game has reached new heights.  He's trash.

The Yankees are not great this year. This is a fact. You can preach, "Well players need to swing the bat and make their own destiny." Blah, blah, blah... we know all that.  Clearly there have been some signs of life in our offense recently because Sean Casey is there and that's good. But we need to keep this in the leadership realm. I have said this a million times... leaders make great teams. It's their philosophy, their mindset and their approach that brings out the best in teams.  It's pretty simple.   Having the title of manager means nothing if you don't know how to do it.

Phil Jackson. Joe Torre. Bruce Bochy. Vince Lombardi. Earl Weaver. Good leaders bring the team out of themselves to believe they can be unstoppable.  Good leaders find a way when times are tough. What they don't do is show their frustration card in front of a Yankee TV crowd and in an away ballpark and put on a show to not only embarrass their team, but to embarrass a fan base as well.  What a pathetic display of bad leadership.  It shows Aaron Boone's immaturity. It shows Aaron Boone is unfit to lead.

Think about your life for a second.  Think about the manager you have or had in the past.  Now think about that bad experience you had with a manager because I know you've all had a crap manager in your life at some point.  If a manager was constantly not available to speak to you or unwilling to give you positive re-enforcement, never tell you "Good job" or sit with you and talk about development and your future with the company and instead you sat in your cubicle all day wondering, what happens? You decay. You'd over think. You would wonder "am I any good?"  

Now think about that same manager doing that, but then when the president of the company comes around your office, that manager is smiling, kissing up to them, talking about all he or she does in that regional office, essentially taking all the credit and giving you none. How would that make you feel? Even worse.  

Now imagine a manager that has a team lunch once a week.  A manager that praises good work, constantly props you up, motivates you and the team and most of all, thanks you for your hard work.  Would you work harder for them knowing you are appreciated?    Look... life isn't always fair and sometimes work can be thankless, this is true.  But the point is it's all in a manager's approach.  You want to get the best out of your team.  Whether it's yelling but praising or just making sure the team knows they're keeping things steady, and profits are up, communication and approach is vital in leadership.  

Will it change things in the Yankee clubhouse if Boone was fired? Only if they go out and find experience and leadership and a guy that players will respect. Finding a guy that had one important Yankee highlight back in the early 2000s isn't cutting it.  You can suggest that firing Boone at the end of the season is just making him a Scapegoat all you want.  I say a changing of the guard proves a seriousness and a willingness to change this team for the better.

The New York Post writes:

"Aaron Boone made sure Laz Diaz knew the exact spot the latter blew two crucial strike calls.

Then he made sure to mock him on his way back to the clubhouse.

During the Yankees’ series-opening 5-1 loss to the White Sox on Monday evening, Boone blew a fuse on Diaz — the home plate umpire — over what appeared to be an egregious strike zone.... Volpe saw four pitches, although the called strikes did not appear out of the strike zone."

Look, if you know anything about baseball, you know you just don't argue balls and strikes. This unspoken rule stems back to Little League. You want the umpire to always give your team a fair shake, this is true... but sometimes you just know in that first inning that the umps not gonna be great.  And then, you turn to your team, and you say the magic words... "Blue's gonna be tough today, you need to make adjustments!" That's the game, folks. It's not always fair.  

Now look, knowing that, Boone need to read the freaking room.  But Aaron Boone doesn't read anything.  Boone may have been right about some pitches that were called strikes that really weren't last night, but he proceeded to not only embarrass the fans and team but take his team out of the game.  In baseball, sometimes you just don't get an umpire that's perfect and sometimes... many times, players need to adjust.  Baseball isn't about freebies.  There are plenty of things that happen in this game that aren't fair, but let's also be clear about something.  Blowing up and showing that you're trash for actual strike calls just makes you a Bozo.  Check out Kevin Kernan's Tweet! This is gold!

Now look, Boone in the post-game chat with his team will tell them in a closed-door meeting about how much he will fight for his team, but what is that really showing a team that can't win consistently? The New York Yankees do not need theater... they need a boost in morale!  Get loose, go bowling, hire a stripper... do literally ANYTHING except putting on a show with umpires in the middle of Chicago because you think that's what a good manager should do.  Boone's pathetic... it's pretty obvious at this point.

Look, I'm beating a dead horse these days. I find my team to be hard to watch.  I still watch. I still root. I still believe they can get to the playoffs.  But I'm sick and tired of no one driving the leadership train.  

Leaders that command respect win.  Say that Boone's "epic" ejection was important all you want. Try and compare it to an Earl Weaver all you want. Say "Well Weaver was a loose cannon and fought with umpires all the time."  It's different.  Want to know why?  Championships. Weaver lead the O's to 4 titles. Three of them were in succession, from 1969 to 1971, and another in 1979. He also won a World Series in 1970. 

What's Boone's managerial record?

And ZERO championships.  

That crybaby act looks real fucked up now, doesn't it?

Do better.

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