Monday, July 10, 2023


The Yankees just selected Roc Riggio. If you don't know him, know this.... you will love him.  He's about as hardnosed as it gets.

Riggio was drafted by the Yankees in the 4th round, a second baseman who loves to taunt and loves to be taunted.  Why? Because it's part of the game. In a world where people are sensitive to their feelings and have gone soft, Riggio goes by the beat of his own drum, and he's only a sophomore in college.  

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, will help you. In a nutshell, he's with Oklahoma State, cranked out a homer against the University of Arkansas and as he celebrated, he ran the bases on his tip-toes and his arms raised in the air.


That pissed off the University of Arkansas pretty badly.  To make it worse, he was a freshman when he did it.  This guy drips with confidence:

“I like having a target on my back,” Riggio told the Oklahoman earlier this year. “I like when guys go at me, I like people when people talk (crap) to me. I love all that.... Let me hear it. Give it to me because I know I can handle it. It’s different for other guys who can’t handle it, but I know whatever you throw at me I can handle.”

The dude's an aggressive hitter, and many say he's similar to Dustin Pedroia in that regard.


But his confidence at his age is what really makes me happy. We need guys that continue to love the game and play hard.  In a nutshell I am thrilled to see that we just snagged Riggio.  

Welcome to the Bronx, Roc.

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