Saturday, July 8, 2023


 Suggest Carlos Rodon sucks.  Go try.  You'd be wrong.

While Rodon was the face of the 3-0 loss to the Cubs last night, did you notice that we didn't score a run? Did you notice we only had 2 hits?  I mean Jameson Taillon is a good pitcher, but the dude's no Cy Young.  

And so, I ask you... what are we doing about our offense? Why do we continue to flounder? Why can't we hit?  Twitter lit up last night, much of it attacking this man...

A hitting coach names Dillon Lawson that's no doubt proud to wear the Yankee pinstripes and yet unable to actually do his job.  He's there for the team name, the clout, a job to say "yes, I did that, it's a resume builder", nut he's not at all interested in doing the work.

And then there is Aaron Boone that likes to present theater to the Yankee fans, arguing with the umpires in front of us to make it appear that he has control, but he does not.  You can't go into a press conference talking about how the Yankees have to do better, BUT they are "hitting the ball on the nose".

First of all, the Yankee fans know this already and secondly, the Yankees know it.  Mr. Boone, you're not adding information none of us already know... in fact, how about show some urgency, concern... stop being a robot. Get mad, make some drastic changes, some significant switches to wake this team up?

Rodon's loss wasn't on Rodon. Honestly, I can stay that and be confident about it. A pitcher pitching for a new team, a debut, you expect nerves, you expect him working through his debut. You cannot fault Rodon at all. The offense left his high and dry.  No... this loss was on the Yankees leadership.  Sure, the pro players that make up our lineup are professionals, and sure they are responsible for hitting a baseball, and sure Taillon may have just happened to have a great performance last night.  But the idea that we as Lawson and Boone don't get more hands-on and tweak and adjust and literally watch our team flop day in and day out only means one thing to me... it's the end of a really good run for the Yankees.  Call me dramatic all you want, I'm right.

We are sputtering. Also... and this is serious... I don't see this team making the playoffs and I'm going to be honest with you, maybe that's what we need for change to happen.  

If you want change... if you want guys like Lawson or Boone or even Cashman gone... we may need to suffer through not having a playoff run to make those changes.  Get ready folks... 'cause it won't be pretty.

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