Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Blue Jays Anthony Bass may have meant well when he was defending his wife on her flight, but it just turned into a bad look as far as I'm concerned.

If you just woke up and don't know what I'm talking about, Bass apparently tweeted this about his wife's flight, throwing the flight attendant under the bus.  Mind you, a flight attendant is a service. They deal with shitty people all the time, so pardon them for them not wanting to pick up after your kids Ant. Look at this:

I'm sorry but there are several ways I can go here. For 1, if you're worried about your pregnant wife picking up after your other kids, maybe don't have so many kids?  Maybe you guys can't handle it?

Second, how about tell the kids to start cleaning up after themselves. Third, if this was me, I'd be very clear with my kids that they need to handle their own crap. I have 4. I've dealt with garbage like this. You know what I do in this situation? I parent and I don't take to social media to try and undermine United.  

This is stupid.  Handle your shit as a parent and stop the entitlement bullshit.  Flight Attendants are not babysitters. Know your role as a parent.

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