Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Source: Associated Press

Well, the headline is not entirely true. I mean he was practically perfect last week against Texas but he exited the game Tuesday night after only 58 pitches. At first I thought, maybe he just didn't have it, but then it became clear that something was wrong. After his first career no-hitter where Corey Kluber struck out nine in a101-pitch performance, the Yankee pitcher left the game against Toronto with shoulder tightness.

"Kluber, who missed most of the last two seasons with arm issues, departed with a tightness in his pitching shoulder. He’s scheduled to undergo additional tests, which will include an MRI on Wednesday," reported on Tuesday. 

Now, here's the thing. Aaron Boone is so cautious when it comes to his position players. From sore toes to stiff necks, Boone rests his players for the littlest things and sometimes without warrant. Yet after a guy who has been prone to injuries over the last few seasons pitches a no hitter, you give him his regular start? Why not skip him? We have the pitching. Why not let him have some additional rest? Now I realize he had Monday off, which is good, but the veteran might have needed just a bit more. Why not be a bit more cautious?

The other pet peeve I have is all the hype the YES broadcasters put on Tuesday's start—giving stats about the last time two no-nos in a row happened and banter about that Kluber changeup.  Totally unnecessary. Honestly it adds even more to the disappointment we all feel about Kluber. 

Source: PIX11

The Yankees pitching has been terrific this season and with the bats and defense starting to really gel, this setback really kills the momentum. And the defense last night really took a beating following Kluber's exit. I hope Corey is okay. I hope this does not break him. I really root for guy who battles back from injury, particularly when this athlete is in his later years. Look at Phil Mickelson winning the PGA Championship at age 50—the oldest golfer to do this. He battled injuries and setbacks, but this year was his year. 

The Yankees will have to regroup and reset themselves while they wait to find out about Kluber. In the meantime, let's pray that he's okay and this is just a speedbump. 

--Suzie Pinstripe
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @suzieprof

1 comment:

  1. Uncalled for, no hitters are fun but he has had injury problems with his shoulder two years earlier and broken arm last year.
    I agree if your tax his shoulder for 9 innings then he needed extra day of rest. Including sides.He couldn't get loose in the pen warming up should had been a sign. So now we might be down a starter, (never a fan of this signing but admitted I might be wrong about it) we have the Pittsburgh reject who barely makes it to 5 innings so basically we are down two pitchers.
    I don't understand the way they are babying Sevy. Most TJ players are back already trying to get control settled but from reports he is not having those issues.
    Garcia we have destroyed his swagger by not using him in the rotation some. A 6 man rotation would had gone a long way helping these other starters.
    All but Cole had injury issues or hadn't pitched in a year ( German) we will probably wait and cut their innings toward the end of the season to mess their rhythm up.Tahat is the Yankee way.


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