Sunday, April 19, 2020


Brett Gardner is likely the hardest working current Yankee.  At 36, about to turn 37 later this summer, Gardner has played in more games as a Yankee than most of the almost 1700 players that make up the Yankees all-time roster. As a matter of fact, only 17 Yankees have more games under their belt than the Yankee outfielder.  And one of those 17 gave Gardy a lot of praise for his time served as a Yankee.

"What an outstanding leader he’s been on this team. I’ve watched him from a baby and the way he goes about his business and the fact that he can do everything on the field. He can play defense. He can still throw. He can still run at his age, and the power’s there, too,” said former Yankee second baseman and spring training coach, Willie Randolph.

Randolph is a five-time All Star and played for the Yankees during two World Series championships, 1977-1978.  Randolph was one of the best second baseman the Yankees have had, turning incredible double plays with one of my favorites, Bucky Dent.  To have Randolph celebrate Gardy, is not only special but coming from him, a humble hard-working player himself, makes the accolade even more honorable.


"When Gardner plays his next game, he’ll join Randolph and 22 others in the Yankees’ 13-season club. He’s already in the top 30 in a lot of franchise categories, as he ranks third in stolen bases (267), 12th in triples (68), 18th in games (1,499), 20th in runs (876), 21st in walks (613), 25th in doubles (230), 27th in hits (1,355) and 34th in homers (124)," reported

When you review all of those stats together, it really tells the story of a great player, one who has risen after injury, kept himself current, and can beat most of today's players down the base paths toward first base or any base for that matter.

If you look up the word grit, clearly you see Gardner, a guy who deserves celebrating.  I needed a feel good story today, and this one, really lifted me.  I hope it lifted you too.  Even if you are not a Gardy fan directly, you have to appreciate what he has done for his team since 2008 and how he continues to step up as a leader for today's team.  Now more than ever we need leaders who are willing to serve the team before themselves.  Gardy is that guy and he is more than worth the one-year extension the Yankees gave him.  Cheers to you Gardy.  Proud that you are a Yankee and you are a leader for this team, especially now as get ready to play post-COVID-19.  The Yankees and their fans need leaders like you to help us get through and make the 2020 season one of the best ever.

--Suzie Pinstripe
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @suzieprof

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