Friday, January 10, 2020


As we all know baseball can be a very unpredictable sport. You never want to see a player on the disabled list, but sometimes accidents happen. Typically these accidents happen on the field, during practice, or during a workout. But sometimes players make their way to the DL for injuries that have nothing to do with the game itself.

The Mets are always...a mess. As a Mets fan myself I know this firsthand. Remember that guy Yoenis Cespedes? Yeah me neither. But he has not actually played a game since July 20, 2018 due to multiple ankle fractures. It has just recently come to light that he suffered these injuries from stepping into a hole after being frightened by a wild boar. You read that correctly. A wild BOAR!

Another interesting injury happened to Carl Pavano in 2013. At the time he was a free agent and was still looking for work, he was a Yankee at one point in his career. He was shoveling his driveway after a bad storm and fell into the shovel's handle. Although it hurt, he did not think anything of it until a few days later when he had a sudden wave of abdominal pain and nausea. It turns out he was bleeding internally the whole time and his lung had collapsed! He then retired from baseball, and hopefully now hires other people to shovel his snow.

A memorable injury happened to Trevor Bauer of the Indians in 2016. During the ALCS, his pitching hand was dripping blood onto the mound. Why? He cut his right pinkie trying to repair his drone, and was sliced by the propellers. His stitches opened in the first inning and he had to leave the game.

For the last one I will throw it back to the 90s. Glenallen Hill of the Blue Jays showed up to the ballpark on crutches, covered in bruises, cuts, and rugburn all over his body. The night before he claimed to have a nightmare where he was trying to get away from spiders. In his sleep, he ran out of his bedroom and crashed through a glass table and bounced off a wall. Hill also had a one year stint with the Yankees in 2000!

Let us keep our fingers crossed that none of these injuries happen to any of the Yankees players this year. Want more freak injuries? Let me know!

--Missy O'Rourke
BYB Contributor
Twitter: @missy_orourke

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