Saturday, October 26, 2019


A Quick note. There's a great Instagram that you need to follow.

Look, with no Yankee baseball and the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros duking it out... for me at least... I really don't care.

I want my Savages in, and without them, a break from baseball I guess.  But look... BYB isn't going away. We will still be here 24/7 giving you Yankee updates, dialog, rants and such, but we'll also look around the universe and bring you other stuff.

Like this...


A fun follow if you like food and I love it! It's like food porn. The food is from all over the place... even cool drinks, ice cream and even gives me ideas on what I'd like to chow down on for dinner and such.

Just fun. Give it a follow, you will not be disappointed. Love it!

Anyway... shout out to food.  I'm now going out for breakfast... or fish tacos... or anything. I'm forkin' starving!

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