Monday, August 5, 2019


Nobody cares, Pedro... nobody cares.

The Yankees were the best team in baseball in 2009, but with every loss in history, there are excuses, or finger pointing or something.  I hate sore losers.

Pedro Martinez cracked the code to why the Phillies lost to the Yankees in 2009 in the World Series... Swine Flu. Give me a freaking break.

Sporting News writes:

"Martinez said "most" of the team became sick during that series. 'It wasn't told, but most of us were sick,' Martinez said (via the Philadelphia Inquirer). 'Some of the guys had swine flu and had to be kept away. I caught some of the virus. We would just never say it. When I got home, I realized that I was really sick.  I had a little bit of an asthma attack in the middle of the game and I was having a hard time breathing," Martinez said. 'I was really sick. In any other situation, I wouldn't be out there. But the team needed me. I held on as long as I could and I did that. I was really proud to have my last game with the Phillies at Yankee Stadium.'"

Now there's this thing in life that we all do, and that's exaggerate stories as we fall further and further away from them. We start the add details that didn't happen. Embellish. Lie a little to make it more dramatic... more entertaining. In fact, Men's Health did this great piece on why people do it. I had to share some of it...

Mandatory Credit: Michael Weinstein
"'At social events, you're expected to entertain people—you're almost on a stage,' says R. Keith Sawyer, Ph.D, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   However, if your truth-stretching has become so noticeable that your buddies call you out on it, it’s time to examine your motivations. For instance, are you embellishing your stories because in reality they’re boring?"

There's plenty more, check out that article. But look, that's the main point here. The further we are from it, the more Pedro is making a more dramatic ending. Sure it's not a great story even then, but the excuse factor comes into play.  Reality is, The Yankees won fair and square, and the Phillies losing isn't all that exciting all these years later, and so... he made something up. Someone could have been sick, but it's like that stupid bloody sock and Curt Schilling.  Drama makes people interested.  Real or not... they're sucked in.

All and all though... this is just stupid and even more stupid that the Sporting News picked it up as a legit story.  We here at BYB? We wanted to point out what excuses look like, and once again trash the Sporting News for terrible journalism.

We won Pedro... you lost... get over it.

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