There are a few things that I just can't stomach. I have a high tolerance for some things but when it comes to just thinking about the possibility of one of my favorite players in a Red Sox uniform my gag reflex kicks in and I just can't take it. It would be the worst form of punishment that I could possibly imagine.
I get it. Mark Teixeira is likely on his way out and he is going to draw some interest in the free agent market. If he has a big year (like I an expecting him to) then he is going to be an even bigger target out there. As biased as I am, I can't say I blame teams for making an early wish list and putting Tex on it....but there is one place that he just can't go and that's Boston.
I was bored the other day and I was looking for that rare offbeat Yankees nugget to write about when I found THIS story by Nick Cafardo and I started to twitch violently. Just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach. Of course, I want to see Tex move on and be successful in his last few years even if he isn't a Yankee but my fierce loyalty as a Yankees fan just won't allow me to think about him in a Red Sox uniform as a possibility.
Sure, the Red Sox need to start thinking about who will replace David Ortiz. I get it. It is the smart thing to do but really....feel free to look elsewhere. Might I suggest as they look to also skip over the names Jose Bautista and Edwin Encarnacion. I don't want to see them grow any stronger either. I am asking for a lot here and I understand that. In my perfect world, the Red Sox just can't have my favorite player or have clutch players period. I realize I am setting some high unrealistic expectations here but my fierce Yankee loyalty just doesn't want them to benefit from anything at all.
As I sit here and think of this I have to wonder if this is how Red Sox fans felt when Johnny Damon left Boston to come play for the Yankees. I am sure it had to be hard to watch him play for the Red Sox and finally win them a World Series in 2004 only to leave them and play for the Yankees in 2006....and eventually win a World Series ring with us. I guess in a way I can relate....but I still stand firm that I cannot bear the thought of Tex playing for Boston. If that happens then karma has a sick and twisted sense of humor.
There are many places that Tex could go. He could go to Houston and I would be fine with that. Hell, he could go to Oakland and play there too. So Tex, pick any of the 28 remaining teams to go and play for but please take note that Yankee fans everywhere are excluding Boston from your options. Please do not pull a Johnny Damon, especially for my own sanity.

--Jeana Bellezza,
BYB Senior Writer and Editor
Twitter: @NyPrincessJ

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