Friday, February 14, 2014


A few weeks ago I posted a piece on #BYB about CC looking fit and trim for 2014.  The piece, SABATHIA: STRONGER & LEANER FOR 2014, touted CC for losing his excess weight and cautioned that dropping the pounds is only part of becoming a leaner and fitter you.  You need to add a nutritional plan and strength training to balance an overall healthy lifestyle.  Well, the other evening Sabathia tweeted a photo taken at the Kings vs. Knicks game.  The photo showed up on NBC’s Hardball Talk and the fans went crazy.

Personally, I think he looks amazing.  He looks thin, he looks lean, and he looks healthy.  But, as always, there are naysayers who proclaim that CC needs to put on some weight so he can keep up his velocity.  Some of the comments in Hardball Talk  posting include,
  • “Good on him being 'healthy' but he might have to change up his mechanics to get something behind that fastball.”
  • “He looks goofy when he is skinny.”
  • “Can you imagine the media circus if he said 'I didn’t do much this winter…I just ate.' LOL.”
  • “Well, even at his heaviest he wore the baggiest pants I’ve ever seen on a baseball player. He could never work out and still look a little thinner just by not wearing parachute pants.”
  • “He should do a weight-loss info-mercial. He would make even more money.”
According to Dr. Judith Beck the author of the book The Beck Diet Solution: Train To Think Like a Thin Person, 90 percent of people who lose weight gain it back. “I've discovered that to some degree almost every thin person restricts what she eats. We all need to learn to do that. When the going gets tough, we have to keep reminding ourselves of the advantages of maintaining a healthy weight."  CC Sabathia has been losing weight over a couple of years.  Now, it’s not a matter of weight loss for him, it’s about maintenance, which includes a strength and conditioning regiment and a nutritional plan. 

The other thing to consider is that overweight people who lose a number of unwanted pounds need to learn how to use their new bodies.  Besides thinking like a thin person, they have to act like one, dress like one and learn how to move without the excess fat.  When you have been overweight for a long period of time, you are used to your body acting and moving a certain way.  But when you lose the weight, you have to learn how to navigate your new body.  That’s the challenge for CC along with keeping himself at a healthy weight, not adding excess fat in his mid-section and maybe he should throw away his baggy pants and show off his new physique!

CC Sabathia is our 2014 Fit Man.  He has put in the work to get to the size he wants and now he just has to keep doing what he is doing.  There’s good weight and there’s bad weight and right now, CC Sabathia looks like he is fit and ready to go.  Now, let’s give him the opportunity to take out his new body and see what he can do with it.

--Suzie Pinstripe, BYB Opinion Columnist
Twitter: @suzieprof

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