Saturday, January 18, 2014


I posted a story titled WHY HAVEN'T WE SIGNED PAUL MAHOLM? the other day about Paul Maholm, and leave it to one of our BYB readers to bring up a very interesting point...
"Forget Paul Maholm..Sign Eric O'Flaherty. Look at what this guy has done against lefties in his career, especially the last three years. For what it's worth, he's very good friends with Brian McCann."

Stevie B always knows how to bring a smile to my face...and you know what? He's right. Now, that last line about friends with McCann is merely a throwaway line. I mean, if everyone was "friends" with everyone, there would be mass chaos as teams would be trying to partner up pitching and catching batteries and rotation buddies... you remember the old "CC Sabathia and Cliff Lee are friends, therefore they should pitch on the Yankees together" scenario, right? That being said, friends helps, but the talent is more important.

But Stevie B brings up an excellent point here, one the Yankees really need to consider. Eric O'Flaherty had been great the past 3 years for the Braves. In 2013, he had a 2.50 ERA in 19 games. He had a 3-0 record as well. In 2012, he had a 1.74 ERA in 64 games.  In 2011, his ERA was down to 0.98 in 78 games with a 2-4 record.

O'Flaherty is 28 years old, he's a free agent, he's a lefty and most importantly, it's been reported that the Braves believe it's unlikely that he'll return, read HERE. In short, it's a great idea and one the Yankees need to get on board with!

Thanks for the idea Stevie B... love it!

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