Friday, January 17, 2014


It was reported this week that despite the suspension, Yanks do not get out of the full $27.5M salary cap hit for Alex Rodriguez.  Apparently, because ARod is not suspended for Spring Training (only regular season and post-season), the prorated portion of his $27.5M cap hit for the time he is not suspended (he is suspended for 162 of 183 days or, so 11.475% of his salary cap hit still counts).  

Also, all of the Yankees arbitration eligible players agreed to one-year deals today, which is reflected in the chart below.  

As of now, the Yanks project to be at $175.4M.  Remember with the $189M cap that approximately $11M needs to be assumed for benefits.  This means the Yanks are currently only $1.6M under the cap.

Click on it to see the numbers up close and personal.

Something to think about.

--Douglas Solomon, BYB Guest Writer

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