I wanted to throw these pictures together in a post because they cannot be overlooked. As you know I support Alex Rodriguez and his career in pinstripes. I like the guy and I find myself rooting for him all the time. That being said, everyone needs a laugh and much like I did for TEIXEIRA VS. SWISHER: FACE OFF, I need to do something for Alex.
This picture of Alex may be one of my favorite. I found it recently on Twitter of all places. It’s funny because you see Alex with this look of excitement, yet determination, yet “trying” if you will and The Captain just doesn’t know what to make of Alex. This needs a caption. Comment and make one.
This one is great. I’m not sure if Kim Jones and Alex are waiting until they go on the air live from the studio or if they’re just plain angry. I doubt it’s the latter…that being said, it’s funny to me.
My favorite and random is a video still of Alex in 2009 going for the backside of the Captain. I need to be honest, I don’t know exactly what’s going on here. I mean look, if your team get’s a nice hit and score a few runs, sure you’re going to be excited…you high five your teammates, maybe you scream alittle and pump your fist. Grabbing my teammate's buns is probably #20 on my list of things to do…if it’s on my list at all. It’s funny to me, what can I say. The best part of this picture is Hideki Matsui... he's very puzzled as he sees the action taking place.
Finally, Alex in Central Park. I forget who captured this picture and when it was taken but hands down it may be the funniest picture out there. The women probably love it and that’s cool. We have a Bleeding Yankee Babe section, here’s you’re Bleeding Yankee Alex section I guess. Enjoy.
There are a ton of them and to be honest, if this post is a success, you will be seeing more of this. For now, enjoy your Sunday, enjoy your Father’s day and laugh alittle…sometimes all this baseball stuff gets people alittle too worked up debating stats and records… it’s baseball…it’s a game don’t forget that.
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