Monday, May 28, 2012


On Saturday, I was walking down the street to the hardware store.  It was early and I wanted to get some stuff done before the day started.  At the entrance was an old man with a bucket and was wearing his uniform.  He was a U.S. military veteran and now wears his uniform for special occasions. Clearly he's been retired for a while.

I saw a father and son walk to the entrance and I could see some kind of conversation. Then I watched the father lean down, whisper in the boy's ear, the boy must have been 4 years old.  The next thing I saw made my heart flutter.  the boy extended his hand as if to shake the old man's, clearly a gesture of thanks.  I couldn't tell if the boy said anything, but I understood what he did.  The vet leaned down, shook that boy's hand and that was enough for me, I teared up immediately.

This is Memorial Day weekend. Today is Memorial day.  It is so important that we take a moment to walk up to the men and women that have sacrificed so much to protect this great country and thank them.  Shake their hand like that 4 year old boy did, or just donate to the veterans or say the words "Thank you for your serve." Feel good about it, let them know you know why you're free, because these men and women don't walk around town telling people what they did.  They knew they had a choice to help and serve America and they went above and beyond.  Say "Thank you." Believe me, they need it. 

Sure, this isn't a Yankee thing, but it's a life thing.  Our United States soldiers and veterans need an acknowledgment.  They do so much and it's important as Americans, we let them know we appreciate them. After all, We are America.

Enjoy  the day ladies & gentlemen...and Let's go Yankees!

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