Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I started this blog as a goof between me and 5 friends. Something that we could use as a rant tool when the Yanks shit the bed in a big game or if Girardi mis-managed the bullpen. We also wanted to celebrate our New York Yankees.

Soon, we sent it to a few friends to check out, then they sent it to a few more friends and then others asked about it. Then, we started reaching out to other blogs and that's where we are right now. I have readers now which is something my high school freshman Creative writing teacher swore I'd never have.
(Mrs. Chicarelli, here's to you.) So... thank you all for that.

Because of this blog, I need to be responsible, but the great thing about this blog is, I can root for my team. I am not a journalist. I read all I can and make my opinion based on my love for the New York Yankees. So for the few of you that think that I'm biased...I suck it.

My Yankees are important to me. I like that I can watch a game, read about a trade move, hear about a minor league call-up and I can write about it. Rarely am I disrespectful and I always allow you guys to express your opinion back. That's what makes it great.

So, do me a favor, now that you know what I'm all about (although I thought it was clearly obvious I was rooting for the Yanks) give it another shot. If you like me, that's great, pass it on and tell the non-readers it will change their life. If you don't read me, you should give it a shot. If you hate BYB, know this, you're allowed to. All I wanted to do back in September is give my perspective, that's it.

By the way, plenty in the blog world have been extremely supportive and I want to at least give them a shout. They are here:

Anyway, my rant is done, but Bleeding Yankee Blue continues...because of you. So thanks.

Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.


  1. You know how I feel, BTW Thanks for the shout out.
    I started just doing E Mails to friends with comments, A friend said I was Nutty and suggested I start a blog and since I do several wacky commentaries I mentioned The Nutball Gazette and he liked it, So it was born


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