Almost every player on the New York Yankees has a nickname. From Tex to A-Rod to Jeet to Mo to Swish to Grandy to even something as simple as their last name: Cano. Nicknames are something the Yankees have done and done well throughout their history. Let's take a look at some of the most memorable nicknames in Yankees history:
The Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig
The Yankee Clipper: Joe Dimaggio
The Commerce Comet: Mickey Mantle
Mr. October: Reggie Jackson
Great nicknames ARE the Yankees. Hence, there needs to be more, especially for a newcomer and immediate fan favorite like Russell Martin. For some reason, I don't feel that "Martin" really sticks when you look at Russell. When you hear the name Martin, you may think of a Butler out of a bad 80's movie wearing white gloves and serving dessert wine to people at a long table. Or how about Dean Martin, formally of Martin & Lewis and later the Rat Pack.The Commerce Comet: Mickey Mantle

So here's my challenge, what is your best nickname idea for Russell Martin? Let me know and once I choose a winner we will post it on Bleeding Yankee Blue. Maybe then, all of Yankees Universe might just use it too. Email: will.cohen.bleedingyankeeblue@gmail.com.
Deadline is June 3rd.
--Will Cohen, BYB Staff Writer
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