Suddenly the negative articles have stopped. Jeter's hitting like I've predicted he would. I mean, why wouldn't he, he's
Derek Sanderson Jeter, a leader, a close friend to many Yankees like Jorge, and he's also still a bad ass and no one should have ever doubted him.
Jeter is just about a dozen hits away from 3000, the only Yankee ever to do that. I'd say that's a pretty significant achievement, don't you? Overrated SI? You guys are morons. Jeter's Epic, know that. The guy's got bling...5 of them actually, MVP awards and has made the most incredible plays in the history of baseball. He's also got Minka which is probably not a bad thing.

So why does he have this incredible drive, this refusal to fail and a positive outlook on life? Amazing parents. I'll never forget it, my wife, who could care less about baseball and thinks BYB is my mistress, knows one thing, a person's presentation. She doesn't care about the players themselves, but does care about how they present themselves because after all, they are role models to our kids. She can see a real tool a mile away.

Jeet's no tool and I know that because in some interview where Jeter and his family were around him, Jeet gave props to how great his upbringing was and how his parents did it right. My wife said right then that she was impressed. It was genuine. I'm a guy, I was clueless at that moment.
Women have it all figured out. Men? Men want a win or die trying. We're savages. But women, yes, they know you can win if you play hard, be smart and it all stems back to being raised right. Maybe it's a motherly instinct, I'm not sure, but she's right. Jeter was a champion before he ever won a World Series. He was just destined to win because of the way he was raised.

Now, I'm not suggesting the NY sports media needs to get all sappy with Jeet. No. I'm just saying back off my boy. He's got everything he wants in his career and he keeps plugging away despite the negative press, despite you guys ragging on him and calling him old. Jeter was raised right, he's not some golden boy that had it handed to him. He learned how to earn it through life lessons and it all goes back to his mom and the Doc.

Keep it up Jeet, get 3000 and don't look back and most importantly, enjoy that moment as long as you can. Let us stand and cheer for 10 minutes for you, just go with it. And understand 1 thing while it's happening; You may have done it for us the fans, and even for yourself, but 1 things for sure, those 3000 hits is probably the greatest thank you you could ever give to your parents. After all, they raised you right... And you're letting them know... for sure.
As a father, I can tell you, there's no better gift in life than seeing your kid standing on second base after he just knocked in 2 runs and put his team in the lead. The moment the 2 of you look at each other isn't a
"Look dad. I did it", it's
"Thank you dad, that ones for you."
Go get'um Jeet, give your parents that Thank you.
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.
You made me tear up. Love it BYB!