Friday, June 5, 2020


There's been chaos all across America ever since George Floyd was wrongfully murdered at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Many people have gone to the streets or the Internet to voice their support in the fight against racism. But nine days after Floyd's death, the MLB finally broke their silence and issued a statement concerning this tragedy:

"We offer our condolences to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and all the families that have lost loved ones due to senseless killing and injustice. To be clear, our game has zero tolerance for racism and racial injustice. The reality that the Black community lives in fear or anxiety over racial discrimination, prejudice or violence is unacceptable. Addressing this issue requires action both within our sport and society. MLB is committed to engaging our communities to invoke change. We will take the necessary time, effort and collaboration to address symptoms of systematic racism, prejudice and injustice, but will be equally as focused on the root of the problem." 

It's somewhat reassuring to see the MLB supporting the protestors in their movement against racism. This action even got the ball rolling for more leagues to address the matter, as the NHL and NBA also made statements the next day. Although, what the league plans to do about racism and prejudice inside their communities was vague in their statement.

The MLB might not even know what they plan to do right now, as they're still reeling from having to shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This knowledge will probably have to wait until the league reopens from quarantine.

Some people have criticized the league for taking too long to address the event, especially with their significant history fighting discrimination with Jackie Robinson.

However, it's understandable as they might have had to take their time to figure out how to address such a sensitive matter. What matters is that they joined in the conversation against racism instead of remaining silent...finally.

Nevertheless, critics argue that the MLB didn't mention the police, let alone condemn them, in their statement. Like how those in the Minneapolis police who are guilty must be held accountable, the MLB must address the source of the problem to make a real difference.

--Anthony Orlando
BYB Contributor
Twitter: @landi52orlando


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why do some think is required and ok for any major organization to have to be "Woke Shamed" into making a statement in regard to George Floyd..albeit an absolute disgrace what happened to the man, it's not a requirement for everyone to voice their thoughts about it.


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